I feel the more inclined to emphasise this caution because I once had a rather embarrassing and pointed proof of its desirability, -- which I relate for the enlightening of the reader.
我觉得特别有必要把以上这一点强调一下,这是因为我曾经有过一次很尴尬的经历。 这次经历也非常深刻地证明了刚才我跟大家谈到的这一点。
Then that reader can skip the proof of Lemma 15 'completely, and not have to deal with B at all.
That development compressed the work of five operatives into the work of a single worker – typist, compositor, editor, proof reader, layout artist.
"You have to be the type for exams, you can't just be good for the job," said Jasmine Seiffert, a 39-year-old German who tried to get a job as an EU proof-reader.
39岁的德国人杰西•塞非尔特应聘过欧盟的文字校对员一职。 她说:“你得是个考试型选手,仅能胜任工作还不够。”
It is further proved, by comparison between its preface and historical records, that though Tang Lu Xuan Gong Ji, whose proof-reader and carver is south people, belongs to Nian Gengyao s collection.
It is further proved, by comparison between its preface and historical records, that though Tang Lu Xuan Gong Ji, whose proof-reader and carver is south people, belongs to Nian Gengyao s collection.