The utility model relates to a packing bag, powdery or granular materials in which need to be poured out in proper quantities for many times.
Results indicate that proper quantities of ultra-fine limestone flour can help engineers to decrease the time-loss of concrete slump constant and to increase concrete strength.
Water should be provided in sufficient quantities to enable proper hygiene.
Propylene glycol, commonly used to keep cleansing ingredients in the proper physical state, also poses a problem in large quantities.
What procedures are in place to ensure that all adjustments to inventory prices or quantities are recorded timely and in the proper period?
Wavelet packets with the advantage of time frequency zoom is used in this paper to decompose the post fault transient electrical quantities by the proper frequency span.
There is a risk of perceiving these methodologies as mere factories that produce never-ending quantities of data if a proper biological interpretation is not provided.
There is a risk of perceiving these methodologies as mere factories that produce never-ending quantities of data if a proper biological interpretation is not provided.