The DPC is a proportional control device and can realize dynamic balance of variable flow heat-supply system.
The signal was processed using hardware filter plus software filter and the seam was tracked using threshold area plus proportional control.
The electro-hydraulic proportional control valve uses the proven force feed-back system for improved hysteresis, repeatability, and response.
And to give the two hydraulic control flow diagrams, and research on the electro-hydraulic proportional control technology used by the system.
This paper introduces the application of electro-hydraulic proportional control technology to control the electrolytic copper stacking equipment.
The design and control methods of a new digital electrohydraulic proportional control system for hydraulic universal testing machine is presented.
The operations of drive, steering, suspension, and kickstand of girder transport vehicle are driven by electro-hydraulic proportional control system.
This paper introduces the use of electrohydraulic proportional control system to copper electro - cathode board die machine in the automatic product line.
The servo-proportional control technique is adopted in its hydraulic system. The system has reached production requirement with simplicity and practicability.
Pneumatic V-ball valve is a right angle turn structure of the advanced control valve with positioner supporting the use of proportional control can be achieved;
The paper describes the use of electrohydraulic proportional control technique in truck crane hydraulic system to realize speed regulation and some of it's functions.
The device mainly consists of connection flange, brake disc, braking caliper, bracing frame, force-multiplier pump, hydropneumatic pipeline and proportional control valve.
The pump controlled variable displacement hydraulic system works together with the electronic proportional control system, high efficiency, energy saving and precise control.
Proportional control valves such devices export volume (flow, pressure) can be imported in accordance with the law of change in the continuous signal proportional to regulate.
When the temperature control knob to set a temperature, hot and cold water mixing valve through proportional control into the outlet, the outlet temperature is always constant.
The application of electro-hydraulic proportional control technology in the test of liner friction coefficient and the testing principles of friction coefficient were introduced.
The VED03M Proportional Control Valve with on-board electronics combines the precision of electronics with the ruggedness of hydraulics to stretch the performance of your machines.
Based on a zero sideslip Angle proportional control, we get the gain of the distance from the centroid to the steering center position, yaw angular velocity and lateral acceleration.
Based on the JX-300DCS, we used the complicated control schemes such as proportional control, cascade control and override control to realize the automatic control in sulfur recovery unit.
The radial piston pump can adopt manual-control or electro-hydraulic proportional control to realize the control of constant flow, constant pressure, constant power and load sensitivity etc.
Based on the numerical solution of Saint Venant Equations and proportional control mode, the author established a computer program for simulating automatic upstream control irrigation canal system.
A pneumatic-hydraulic multi-channel coordinated loading system is presented. It can realize coordinated loading between hydraulic servo control channels and pneumatic proportional control channels.
Based on the user's requirement and some of new techniques on hydraulic proportional control and computer automated-test, the intelligent synthetically testing system for aviation pump was designed.
A fairly basic circuit (left as an exercise, but it's not difficult) can take the control voltage and output a constant current which is proportional to the voltage.
Proportional - Uses electrical input signal to control pressure or flow output.
We design the servo control system of the bending joint based on the proportional servo technology.
In this mode, U1, U2 and U3 output voltages are directly proportional to the input voltages applied respectively to UC1, UC2 and UC3 control inputs, as indicated below.
在这一模式,U 1,U2和U3输出电压分别与UC 1,UC2和UC 3控制输入的各个实际输入电压直接成比例,说明如下。
In this mode, U1, U2 and U3 output voltages are directly proportional to the input voltages applied respectively to UC1, UC2 and UC3 control inputs, as indicated below.
在这一模式,U 1,U2和U3输出电压分别与UC 1,UC2和UC 3控制输入的各个实际输入电压直接成比例,说明如下。