No hospital staff involved in the care of patients, in some instances without adequate personal protective equipment, have developed the disease.
If you actually succeed in making one of them and you do not possess and use the proper protective equipment, it will probably be the last thing you do.
Needs, which have ranged from satellite telephones and hand-held radio sets to vehicles, protective equipment, disinfectants, and specialized staff, have been rapidly communicated and immediately met.
WHO has despatched a further 500 kg of personal protective equipment and other supplies to assist in the immediate improvement of infection control in hospitals and the protection of front-line staff.
Stockpiling of personal protective equipment to protect health and veterinary workers, and procurement of antivirals for treatment and prophylaxis, as appropriate, is continuing.
Cases in health care workers point to the need to greatly increase supplies of protective equipment for front-line workers, particularly in hard-hit Uige and densely populated Luanda.
Therefore, people need to be fully informed about preventive measures, including the use of protective equipment.
The proper protective equipment goes way beyond what you are familiar with from your college chemistry laboratory.
Epidemiologists from the WHO African Regional Office have arrived to assist both countries, and personal protective equipment (PPE) and sampling equipment are en route to Lusaka.
Higher mercury vapor levels may exist and could require additional protective equipment and professional expertise.
Workers who remove the metals often have no protective equipment and breathe in high levels of toxic chemicals, which are then released into the atmosphere.
Under the reset program, the M113 vehicles will be brought back to combat-ready condition and gain add-on armor and nuclear, biological, and chemical protective equipment.
Personal protective equipment. Those at risk of occupational exposure on affected or at-risk farms should wear personal protective equipment.
Ideally, people culling and disposing of birds should have protective equipment.
Viewing the Sun's harsh light should only be done through protective equipment - proper solar glasses and solar telescopes, or through a pinhole projection system.
Protective equipment or earplugs aren't always appropriate, and right now no drug on the market can prevent or treat noise-induced hearing loss.
The aim of this safe work practice is to ensure a safe system of work by utilizing the proper personal protective equipment.
Personal protective equipment may be required when working with some types of chemicals or pharmaceuticals.
Lacquer and paint thinners are harsh solvents that should not be handled without the correct personal protective equipment (PPE).
Occupations in this unit group may involve exposure to hazards of toxic, flammable or explosive chemicals and personal protective equipment may be required.
The employees should also be trained in the correct use and educated on why they should use personal protective equipment.
In the construction of steel pipe scaffold on electric welding machine, vibrator and other electrical equipment should be placed in dry wood, operators shall wear insulating protective equipment.
These include conducting workplace risk assessments, providing personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers, and meeting material handling, tools, and equipment requirements.
What personal protective equipment is required for the job? Is it always available? Is it in good condition? Have you received training in using this personal protective equipment?
What personal protective equipment is required for the job? Is it always available? Is it in good condition? Have you received training in using this personal protective equipment?