The Large Bore a Series encompasses many of the proven design features of the a Series.
While most of the FAST Pack EDC is "proven design", some aspects are rather unique and innovative.
Here, I continue to focus on the use of simple, proven design patterns within a Web services environment.
This is where proper usage of proven design patterns help in making the design more robust, flexible, and extensible.
All of this leaves JDO developers and architects with few proven design patterns or case studies to guide their JDO development efforts.
Most of the patterns were not specifically inspired by technology advancements but instead represent proven design techniques that were inspired by practitioners.
The few installments of this series have illustrated some very simple and straightforward alternative techniques for creating Web service implementations using known, proven design patterns.
By using design patterns, you are able to leverage proven solutions, which lead to better design and faster implementation.
Design patterns are common interactions of objects and methods that have been proven over time to resolve certain problems.
To take full advantage of SOA, enterprises are advised to establish or adopt proven architecture standards and governance processes to design and manage service assets.
"Propping up" an intrinsically inferior and historically-proven inferior design with a piece of metal stamping is not going to restore Toyota's tarnished reputation.
Yet the policy prescriptions are simple and proven: enforced speed limits, helmet laws for those on two wheels, good road design and more driving tests.
In this article, I cover the basics of Ajax and show some Ajax design patterns that have become proven best practice with Web 2.0 development.
在这篇文章中,我将介绍Ajax的基本知识,并展示一些已经成为Web 2.0开发最佳实践的Ajax设计模式。
Rod: The Spring Framework offers proven benefits from design, development, and testing through to production and maintenance.
As well as meeting the original design objectives, it has proven itself a great platform for many forms of firmware.
Discussing technical problems using the financial metaphor of design debt is a proven way to get through to management.
Another approach is design by Contract, a proven technique for clarifying component design details.
A combination of proven acceptable ranges does not constitute a design space. However, proven acceptable ranges based on univariate experimentation can provide some knowledge about the process.
It has been applied widely in a number of countries and proven to be an important regulative procedure design in the modern public decision making system.
The straight tube design operates undisturbed in hostile, vibration prone applications and has proven itself well suited for operation in a foundry environment.
Based on this the design of arc furnace electrode regulator adaptive control system is made, the rule of discrete-time model reference adaptive control is proven.
Silica stoves design and optimized heat up and cool down procedures by Danieli Corus, have proven to be a reliable solution for the ultra-high temperature stove.
The broad range of standard hydraulics and mechanical design options ensure optimum fit to customers duty requirements, using proven pre-engineered solutions.
Proven experience in OOP (e. g. C + +) design techniques and implementation.
Marine grade aluminium pump body with Rilsan lining is a proven robust pump design for long life.
Sparch is an award-winning international architectural design firm, active in Asia for more than 10 years, with a proven expertise in urban planning, architecture, landscape and interior design.
On the base of analyzing a light-power magneto alternator structure, expound the design characteristic and make a model. The correctness of method has been proven.
Long period of operation of the four test - turntables has proven that the validity and rationality of the design method fully satisfy the requirements of high precision test turntable.
Taking system optimization design of SRM as the example, physical programming of was proven to be efficient in modelling of decision-making uncertainty during the solid rocket motor design.
Taking system optimization design of SRM as the example, physical programming of was proven to be efficient in modelling of decision-making uncertainty during the solid rocket motor design.