That solution can provide service on security data exchange without any need to change the office network infrastructure.
There are some other alternatives that you can use either on their own or in conjunction with the service gateway to provide other forms of standardization.
The service stores all messages on multiple servers to provide high availability and fault tolerance.
Well, there are some other alternatives that you can use either on their own, or in conjunction with the service gateway to provide other forms of standardization.
This research is then fed into a jointly-represented group that will provide feedback on the new service from the perspective of customer service, accounting, financial management and technology.
After receiving the request, the service provider can simply E-mail the service description as an attachment or provide it to the service requestor on a transferable media, such as a diskette.
The haul is usually divided among co-workers who do not rely on tips (like wait staff do) for income and even shared with employees who did not provide you with any direct counter service.
To do that, information on how and where to programmatically invoke a service is needed, and the green pages provide this information.
For example, you can provide a service for nearby restaurants, gas stations, movie theatres, and so on.
Using the business context, the service agents provide statistics on business events, enforce business policies, and route requests to meet quality of service commitments.
The solution to the problem described above is to provide a ranking system for the constructed service names based on how closely they resemble the input name of the service.
If you build on this idea you may want to tailor the service a bit to provide convenience operations facilitating more complex annotations, but for this article we keep it simple.
Even though you are not the ca, you can set up a service via a public ca to provide certificates on your behalf.
Indeed, One WGS satellite will provide more throughput than the entire Defense Service Communications satellite (DSCS) constellation currently on station.
Protocol implementations work on top of the directory service to provide Internet services related to data storage, search, and retrieval.
Serving as an intermediary, the WSGW can provide a common transport endpoint, typically HTTP, for Web service requests, and then forward the request on using a different transport, say JMS.
WeFollow attempts to provide a similar service but on a far larger scale.
Mr Curley said: 'Consumers should be selecting Internet service providers based on their ability to provide reliable service.'
Our approach with the OData Service for Team Foundation Server 2010 is to then provide a layer on top of the client object model to provide the OData interfaces we wish to expose.
而ODataServiceforTeamFoundationServer 2010所提供的方法会在客户对象模型之上提供一个层,从而提供我们想要暴露的OData接口。
In every Italian church there's a box on the wall for donations; and, for those who are interested, these boxes often provide an additional service.
Enterprise services run on the enterprise services node that contains the products that provide the data, security and other infrastructure services such as a service registry.
If business users are the ones using the services, they can provide useful feedback on the granularity of the information provided by the service.
We pride ourselves on giving personal service to our customers, and we want to provide the experience that you want with our service.
The RUP update for SOA has been extended in a number of (sympathetic) places to provide specific guidance on the development of architectural and design models of a service-oriented solution.
For service clients on other platforms, we had to provide an alternative definition of the interface, which was in the form of documentation of underlying message formats.
For service clients on other platforms, we had to provide an alternative definition of the interface, which was in the form of documentation of underlying message formats.