The system can provide services for a variety of currencies.
NET does not directly provide services for securing or encrypting data.
Modules are a great way to provide services for all of the module's components.
Sun Jie has said that Ctrip's goal is to provide services for tourists around the world.
Training centers and organizations have been established to provide services for migrant women workers.
The idea that we ought to provide services for every Afghan and Wi-Fi in their villages is just ridiculous.
"We can certainly work to try and compensate and provide services for these moms that are affected," Torche said.
These organizations provide services for each other, which are connected to support end-to-end business processes.
If you want to provide services for a few partners or customers only, using WS-Inspection is the simplest approach.
如果您只想为少数几个伙伴或客户提供服务,那么使用WS -Inspection是最简单的方式。
Library has the aim to provide services for the knowledge memory of users and should put emphasis on its research.
Preparation of leading organs of the organization work with the maps, to provide services for leading decision-making bodies.
Its main responsibility is to provide services for the Foreign Ministry and the Chinese diplomatic and consular missions overseas.
If the foreigners want to play, they can manage or provide services for a fee, perhaps, but they can't buy into the asset itself.
Business operators who provide the goods they produce and sell or provide services for consumers shall abide by these Regulations.
To provide services for the transportation enterprises affiliated to the Ministry and help them to accomplish the operation targets.
A standardized means for allowing businesses to directly provide services for customers registered at other (partner) businesses or institutions.
"Operators" referred to in these measures means the units and individuals that manufacture or sell the commodities or provide services for consumers.
The neighborhood committees and the village committees shall reflect the request of the aged people, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and provide services for them.
Article 36 the offices of the standing committees of the people's congresses at or above the county level shall provide services for deputies in their performance of functions as deputies.
They provide care and good services for homeless animals.
Smith says he'll provide services ranging from formal seminars to on-farm work-shops on holistic management, to one-on-one hand-holding and an almost 24/7 phone hotline for farmers who are converting.
At the same time, airports have been developing and expanding the range of services that they provide specifically for the business traveller in the terminal.
Although it is important to provide adequate funding for academic services such as the school library, I believe it is important to fund sports activities equally.
There are strong arguments for why schools are best places to provide mental health services.
Transaction services provide error recovery for both short running and long running processes.
Both trends could mean that in future huge clouds-which might be called "industry operating systems" -will provide basic services for a particular sector, for instance finance or logistics.
Both trends could mean that in future huge clouds-which might be called "industry operating systems" -will provide basic services for a particular sector, for instance finance or logistics.