Natural search is a vitally important distribution option for Internet services that can’t rely on viral distribution because it can provide the same kind of massive consumer exposure at no cost.
They provide file sharing and other online collaboration activities with secured services as the data is moved from one or more sources to one or more destinations on the Internet.
Web sites that provide services based on your geographic location are quite popular on the Internet.
Protocol implementations work on top of the directory service to provide Internet services related to data storage, search, and retrieval.
Cloud computing is designed to provide on demand resources or services over the Internet, usually at the scale and with the reliability level of a data center.
There are many other Internet protocols that provide services to users in the form of Internet applications that run on Internet clients and servers.
Online payments means that the seller and buyer on the Internet through e-commerce website transactions, Internet Banks to provide settlement services of a business.
These new payment services have been formed to provide direct payment processing capabilities for specific target markets on the internet.
The INTERNET BOSS (Business Operation Support System) is an Internet software system on which the Telecom carriers provide their services.
The INTERNET BOSS (Business Operation Support System) is an Internet software system on which the Telecom carriers provide their services.