Officials must not be allowed to play favorites in providing information or in arranging meetings simply because an individual or group provides a campaign donation or a personal gift.
The list above is aimed at providing information on activity.
All Brokers have equivalent content pages providing information and help.
So far the selections were based on providing information in a static VXML file.
Managing and providing information on how services interact is a complicated task.
Analysts say Google is interested in providing information but not offering bookings.
Providing information, business know-how, and skills to connect to mainstream markets.
Customized title page with some fields providing information extracted from the model.
There are also links to the web sites of WHO regional offices providing information about World Health Day.
The IOR is a data structure providing information on the type, protocol support, and available ORB services.
IOR是一个数据结构,它提供了关于类型、协议支持和可用OR B服务的信息。
They're playing an active role in providing information, analysis, and assistance based on their experience.
The Strategic Health Operations Centre continues to play a key role in coordinating action and providing information.
Also important is providing information about where dangerous snakes are most likely to live and when they are most active.
For the second problem, I remained on the hardware side of their house, providing information from the snap command for analysis.
Connect with your customers and establish your credibility and authority by providing information rather than overtly selling.
The trend toward increasing simplification is driving enterprises to extend SOA into the data layer by providing information services.
Article 61 the state helps the enterprises to exploit the international market by way of providing information consultation services..
Wikipedia discusses the ODF format and its use in desktop applications as well as providing information about the supporters of ODF.
A good speech should have a specific purpose, like answering some questions the audience may have, or providing information of interest.
In this situation, a voice response unit can reduce the cost of customer service by providing information and simpler or more common transactions.
The IBM Information Management software portfolio provides the foundation you need for providing information on demand via a rich set of services.
Moving to a new document position and in the process providing information about the number of characters skipped and the new document position.
The CONSEQUENCE doesn't so much spell out the consequences of breaking the privacy agreement as it does the consequences of not providing information.
CONSEQUENCE 对于违背隐私协议的后果不像对于未提供信息的后果说明得那么清楚。
Detailed attack Logging - HDIV logs information abut every attack it detects, providing information such as URL, username, IP address, and attack type.
As an educational endeavor, though, the project is still providing information, including data on the performance of the five different turbine types.
Providing information about the negative health consequences of obesity will do no harm, and might help prevent some persons from getting or staying obese.
The Air force weather Agency is responsible for providing information related to weather conditions and the space environment to U.S. military forces worldwide.
The Air force weather Agency is responsible for providing information related to weather conditions and the space environment to U.S. military forces worldwide.