Since this is a proxy mode service, there is no requirement to provide information about the target service.
Strictly speaking, it is not correct to refer to proxy mode services as deployments of existing services; there is no explicit reference to the ultimate receiver when a proxy mode service is set up.
Proxy mode services do not emit WSDL when? WSDL is appended to the endpoint for the proxy mode service.
Add the handler to the proxy mode service handler chain.
In such a situation, the messages are all sent to the same WebSphere Web Services Gateway proxy mode service, processed in a similar way, and then routed to the appropriate destination.
The gateway does not observe changes made to the value of a request's transport.url property unless a service is deployed in proxy mode.
如果一个服务不是以代理模式部署的,网关不会观察到对一个请求的transport . ur l属性值的修改。
Proxy mode deployments may not specify a WS-Security configuration for the target service.
A proxy mode deployment should be used when mediation is required to determine the target service for (route) each message received at the WebSphere Web Services Gateway service.
Since HTTP is the only supported transport for proxy mode services, you can't change the type of service binding.
Before the routing handler can be associated with the proxy mode service, the handler class and its dependencies must be visible to the gateway and channel class loaders.
Set up the proxy mode service in the Web Services gateway.
The mode of our services is flexible and considerate. The proxy program can be customized, and the service charge is dependent on what kind of program you choose.
The mode of our services is flexible and considerate. The proxy program can be customized, and the service charge is dependent on what kind of program you choose.