The influence of the thermal isolation of the PS on resistance's sensitivity of VOx film was investigated.
The thesis is made of three parts: the concept of PS, the facts on human Miss and the application of PS on produce and find human Miss.
In order to meet the requisition of preparing PS on large size silicon chip, primary study was performed on preparing PS by galvanic element method.
PS: I figured I'd give a little background info on what provoked me to write about the topic of forgiveness.
You can either do this by holding down the PS button on the controller and then choosing Turn off the system, or by simply holding the power button down for five seconds.
您可以通过按控制器上的PS按钮然后选择Turnoffthe system来重新启动系统,或者通过按电源按钮5秒钟来重新启动系统。
Whether you do this actively (through ps, uptime and other tools) or passively (through SAR or top) depends on the situation.
Others, such as PS 20 on the Lower East Side, have opted for dual-language programs, where half of the class is fluent in English and the other half is fluent in Mandarin.
A novel passivation technology of porous silicon (PS) surface, i. e. , depositing diamond film on the PS surface by microwave plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) method, was developed.
If you issue the command su - root on Linux, the output of ps command will look like this.
On UNIX systems, you can view one or more processes using the ps command.
Speciality experience on polystyrene products, or PS machining facilities area.
Try ps -Aeww, for example, to see the complete command line and environment of every process on the system.
可以尝试使用ps -Aeww,例如,查看完整的命令行和系统中每个进程的环境。
Each process managed by the SRC correlates with at least one process on the normal process table (ps).
On the collector node, verify that the GPFS SNMP sub-agent is running: ps -ef | grep mmsnmpagentd.
在收集器节点上,检查GPFSsnmp子代理是否正在运行:ps- ef |grep mmsnmpagentd。
The most commonly used function of ps is to look at the processes running on your systems (see Listing 1 below).
The most commonly used function of ps is to look at the processors running on your systems (see Listing 1).
On a machine where ps is not a valid command, this should return an empty array.
A good example is the ps command, which differs on SVR4 and BSD-based UNIX hosts.
As the name implies, DPS USES the PostScript (PS) imaging model and language to generate on-screen graphics with some modifications to support user interactions.
顾名思义,DPS利用PostScript (PS)图像处理模型和语言来生成屏幕上的图形,不过因应用户交互的需要做了一定的改动。
Use the ps command to make sure the Web server daemons are running on the primary node.
In this section, we provide an overview of generic UNIX tools available on all UNIX distributions - ps, SAR and vmstat.
PS: If you find yourself sharing your perspective or giving advice, state your biases. It helps the person on the other end.
Prior to db2 9.5, on UNIX and Linux environments with the help of the ps system command or the db2_local_ps command, you were able to list all active db2 EDUs.
在db 2 9.5之前,在UNIX和Linux环境中,通过ps系统命令或db2_local _ ps命令,可以列出所有活动的db 2EDU。
In this section, I provide an overview of generic UNIX tools available on all UNIX distributions - ps, SAR and vmstat.
The watch command is part of the procps package, a GPL v2 package that also provides commands such as ps, top, vmstat, and so on.
watch命令是procps包的一部分,这个GPLv2 包还提供ps、top、vmstat 等命令。
Objective To explore the effect of mutation of presenilin 1 (PS 1) gene on the pathogenesis of familial Alzheimer disease (FAD).
Recent research on photoluminescence of porous silicon (PS) has be - come a new hot spot in material science.
The paper presents recent advances in the research on mechanism and properties of PS photoluminescence.
The paper presents recent advances in the research on mechanism and properties of PS photoluminescence.