Their governing style concerned the utility of public myth, which they found essential to wise rule.
The public utility bureau in Tonghua has mobilized 300 workers to repair the pipelines, but no deadline could be given as to when the water supply would be resumed.
Note: this tool sends the userid and password as clear text and it is not advisable to run this utility across a public network.
Our ACL class in Listing 8a features a public constructor accepting the securedResource, the ACLHolder that the ACL protects, and utility methods that operate on the ACL's internal grants structure.
清单8a 中的ACL类提供了一个公共构造函数,用于接收securedResource,即 ACL保护的ACLHolder;还提供了实用方法,对 ACL的内部授权结构进行操作。
The following utility methods are public static members of the class.
下列实用程序方法是com .ibm . wac . AccessibleUtils类的publicstatic成员。
In response to the need outlined above, I have created the public-domain utility xml_indexer.
To simplify this process, you can use the ssh-keyscan utility to fetch a host's public key. The output can be appended to the ssh_known_hosts file, as shown below.
为简化该过程,可以使用ssh - keyscan实用程序来取一个主机的公钥。
South Dakota is above average - but not stellar - in terms of public policy, but it does rank fourth in the state utility alternative energy savings with a target of 10% by 2015.
This vision is big in the electrical utility world, but private sector innovators are being hampered by the lack of vision seen in public utility companies.
There are those who bring their own cars, ride the bus, trains and other public utility vehicles but some of us goes for a healthier and environment friendly alternatives like riding a bike.
Adopt a uniform integrated business case as their official evaluation and regulatory structure, in concert with the state Public Utility Commissions.
Though the state's Public Utility Commission is building additional lines, advocates for other energy sources want a bigger piece of the pie.
Right now, no public utility anywhere prices water based on how scarce it is or how much it costs to deliver, and that, privatization proponents argue, is the root cause of such rampant overuse.
And by the exercise of entire sovereignty in protecting the public teaching of it, convert this truth of speculation "into the utility of practice."
For the truly paranoid who refuse to create a password-less SSH public-private key pair, there's the ssh-agent utility.
对于拒绝创建无密码ssh公私密钥对的真正的偏执狂来说,有一个ssh - agent实用程序。
Earlier this month the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission decided Verizon's customer service "stinks" and sought a settlement to improve customer service.
Learning public Economics regulation aims to master the content of utility charge and utility charge management, as well public regulation.
The content includes the implication and nature of utility charge, theories of charge, the content of utility charge management, as well the system theory of public regulation policy.
He didn't sympathise with the corporations, but strength was with them. So was property and public utility.
They are employed by electric power generation, transmission and distribution companies, electrical contractors and public utility commissions.
In this paper, we will depart from the individual strategy of utility maximum, and analyze the private provision level of public goods in the repeated game through modeling.
Once the utility power restores, the ATS generation outage unit and connects the public electrical network.
We plan, build and operate broadband communication infrastructures for different clients such as housing companies, public utility companies or other cable operators.
The public goods demanded refer to the amount of goods needed to maximize social utility under the condition of the existing resource and technique.
Track topics include power plants, public power, utility sales, sales support and industrial sales.
The aim of electrical utility regulation is to safeguard public interests by raising the efficiency of electrical property right.
There is no contradiction between the value of public interests and that of utility and efficiency in education.
There is no contradiction between the value of public interests and that of utility and efficiency in education.