Politicians have repeatedly "backloaded" public-sector pay deals, keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are already generous.
The reform of public-sector pay is also fuelling inflation.
They have talked toughly but vaguely about reining in public-sector pay and pensions;
Saudi Arabia is boosting public-sector pay by 15% as part of a $36 billion spending splurge.
We've said there will be a public-sector pay freeze from 2011, excluding the million lowest-paid workers.
Two days later Miles Templeman, director-general of the Institute of Directors, called for a one-year freeze in public-sector pay.
两天后英国公司董事协会(Institute of Directors)会长MilesTempleman号召公共部门一年内停止加薪。
Lots of states, faced with swelling pension and health-care costs and yawning deficits, are seeking to curb public-sector pay and benefits.
Public-sector pay can be cut, given how secure jobs are: in both America and Britain public-sector workers are on average now paid more than private-sector ones.
Most public-sector pay would be frozen in 2011, various middle-class breaks would go, rich people's taxes would rise and everyone would have to wait a year longer before getting their state pension.
Bankers' fat pay packets have attracted much criticism, but a public sector system that does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.
A big pay cut in the public sector would help. Private firms might then find it easier to follow suit, which would help Greece to regain its cost competitiveness.
So with better pay, conditions and promotion prospects, it is no wonder that the public sector is the employer of choice for so many women.
He promised to end the "special regimes" that pay generous pensions to certain parts of the public sector, including the rail, electricity and gas industries.
Australia has its own Future Fund, where it sets aside money to pay for the pensions of public-sector workers.
The public sector has not yet had to cut jobs, and pay has been held down in the private sector.
It is difficult to envisage wages taking off when the public sector is shedding jobs and facing a two-year pay freeze and there are 2.5m people unemployed, close to 8% of the Labour force.
Do the public exist to serve public-sector workers with their high pay and inflated benefits, they ask, or do public-sector workers exist to serve the public?
And third, as well as shouldering more of the burden for their own retirement, private-sector workers pay for public-sector pensions via their taxes.
Bankers' fat pay packets have attracted much criticism, but a public-sector system that does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.
The researchers calculate that, when pay and pensions are taken together, average remuneration in the public sector is 12% higher than in the private sector.
First, there is intense public pressure, after the taxpayer-funded bailouts of Banks, for the financial sector to pay something back to society.
Research by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), a think-tank, shows that pay is actually slightly better in the public sector.
Average private earnings rose by just 0.2% in the year to December (in the public sector, excluding state-owned Banks, pay went up by 2.4%).
This last is equivalent to a cut of one month's pay for Greece's 700, 000-strong public-sector workforce.
Many Germans were horrified to discover that the EU rescuepackage for Greece last year helped to bail out public-sector workers who could retire in their mid-50s on almost full pay.
The latest EU aid package would require further public sector pay and pension cuts and tax rises.
The Conservative manifesto contained a pledge to freeze pay for public sector workers next year, excluding the one million lowest paid.
Several Arab states have decreed hefty pay rises: 25% for public-sector workers in Syria, 30% in Egypt.
Several Arab states have decreed hefty pay rises: 25% for public-sector workers in Syria, 30% in Egypt.