Accordingly, the theory of public choice, just pay more attention on how we can achieve the best public choice.
The theory of public choice has remarkable characteristics in analytic framework compared to the main-stream economics.
Adopting the economic man postulate, public Choice Administration suggests that market mechanism can be led into public sector.
Second, analyse the causes for the gap between urban and rural compulsory education investment in view of public choice theory.
This paper analysed historical and present change in Chinese rural financial system of China from a perspective of public choice.
The paper finally makes a comparative study on the theories of new comparative economics, new institutional economics, and public choice.
The basic way to resolve the acute problem is to maximize market's function in the private sector and maximize the function of public choice mechanism.
The public choice theory, the economical responsibility theory and new public management theory guiding by outputs are the theoretical basis of educational expenditure performance assessment.
The Healthy Choice product line was carefully tested with consumers before being introduced to the general public.
"The Anyuanding affair is so sinister and damaging, it appears that the public security authorities were left with little choice but to intervene and investigate," Mr. Xu said.
The Popular Choice Award will be determined by public vote and the winner will receive a cash award and a feature on the World Bank website.
So with better pay, conditions and promotion prospects, it is no wonder that the public sector is the employer of choice for so many women.
"We are now facing a choice: Do we increase public spending on security and the police, or on social benefits?"
Stern worries that puppy mills will try to capitalize on the Obamas' dog choice and start churning out PWDs for an eager public.
Really the atmosphere of a variorum scholarly edition is an atmosphere of take your choice, not a kind of tyrannical imposition on the public of a particular version of the text.
While she voted for Mr Obama’s health-care bill, she opposed a public option, and she also opposed the union-friendly Employee Free Choice Act.
虽然她支持奥巴马的《医保法案》,却反对公众进行自由选择。 不仅如此,她还反对有利于劳工联盟的《雇员自由选择法案》, 并因此而遭到组织起来的劳工地激烈反对。
The temptation, of course, will be to fudge the choice: announce a plan to cut waste in public spending, raise a few stealth taxes and hope that the economy recovers sufficiently to solve the problem.
As the private sector has grown, these public underwriters have found new roles for themselves, either by choice or necessity.
The differences in transaction types (industrial vs. retail) and the choice of public, private, or hybrid clouds affects the creation of threshold policy.
事务类型的区别(工业vs .零售业)和公共云、私有云或混合云的选择都影响阈值策略的创建。
Voice without genuine choice, by contrast, is a feeble thing, offering little more than echo Chambers for frustrated complaints by users facing monopoly public providers.
'the choice before the ex-King is either to fade out from the public eye or be a nuisance,' he said.
The former prime minister came to endorse the view that greater choice and competition were essential to improve the public services.
Well they — it's a balancing -they have to balance -sometimes they don't like the choice they made but the advantage to being public is that people trust you more.
Berkshire is seen as a buyer of choice, Mr Buffett says, by many owners of good, non-public companies.
Fast food nutrition facts are designed to inform the public so they may make healthy food choices, but the choice is still ultimately yours.
Aiming to maximize the development and utilization of information resources, the paper constructs a choice model of public access to information resources.
Aiming to maximize the development and utilization of information resources, the paper constructs a choice model of public access to information resources.