We intend to make the crucial environmental issues the subject of widespread and well informed public debate.
The case has provoked widespread public debate in the United States and criticism of Singapore in the American media.
Mass layoffs and plant closings have drawn plenty of headlines and public debate over the years, and they still occasionally do.
There has been widespread public debate over the introduction of genetically modified food.
The show caused a huge public debate in the United States.
The implication of the hydropower station is under fierce public debate.
In this alarming chapter of American history, they might wind up fueling the best public debate yet.
Either way, the world knew it was highly leveraged, and its solvency was a matter of intense public debate.
Unfortunately, this is an entirely understandable error, given the nature of education and public debate today.
The public debate about the quota is a sign of progress, and so is the fact that it has not been increased.
The question of compulsory sterilisation has been the subject of lively public debate over the last few months.
We find it refreshing that he has forced public debate on issues that must be debated publicly for a peace deal to happen.
This is understandable but it is somewhat too complement to blame insufficient public debate prior to its construction.
And while we managed to avoid large direct bailout costs (a fact not appreciated in public debate), we might not be lucky next time.
Given that Gruber was providing this kind of technical consulting, should he have recused himself entirely from the public debate?
Polish public debate can indeed be overheated, but in his denunciation of it, Mr Michnik risks falling victim to the hysteria he bemoans.
In the past, the rights and wrongs of all this could have been determined by public debate, the passage of some legislation and the courts.
The past fortnight has witnessed an unprecedented, open public debate in the Israeli media about whether, and when, to attack Iran's nuclear installations.
The growing ranks of the elderly are not only expected to change the rules by force of numbers; they will also figure heavily in the inevitable public debate.
If he had, the public debate would have been much poorer; again, there aren't many people in a position to do the kind of quantitative assessments Gruber does.
Many locations were up for scientific investigation and public debate, and the process of choosing one was transparent and based on the best geological information.
He anticipated the way the genetic and neuroscience revolutions would affect public debate. They would kick off another fundamental argument over whether God exists.
He anticipated the way the genetic and neuroscience revolutions would affect public debate. They would kick off another fundamental argument over whether God exists.