We need to create a trust store for the client with the server's public key certificate in it.
It consists of a client with no public key certificate, accessing a server with a public key certificate.
A public key certificate provides a method for binding a public key and its owner's identity informations.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a base to provide Internet security services using public key certificate.
Create the trust store for the server with the client's public key certificate by executing the following command.
Create the trust store for the client with the server's public key certificate by executing the following command.
For this purpose, I recommend using a common private key and the corresponding public key certificate for SOAP-DSIG and SSL.
为实现这一目的,我建议在SOAP -DSIG和SSL中使用一个公共专用密钥和相应的公用密钥证书。
Export the service's public key certificate so it can be imported into the client's store by typing the following command.
In order to verify that a public key certificate is legitimate, I need to verify the signature of the signer that issued it.
However, we'll need to configure the client to trust the certificate authority (ca) that signed the server's public key certificate.
The identity may be represented as the name of the recipient, the public key certificate of the recipient, or in some other way.
Export the server's public key certificate so that it can be imported into the client's trust store, by typing the following command
To export the client public key certificate so that it can be imported into the server's trust store, type the following command.
The key function of this system is management of certificate lifecycle, so also call it public key certificate management system.
Type the following command on a single line to create a key pair and self signed public key certificate to represent the echoservice.
The digital signature on a public key certificate can validate the authenticity of the public key and therefore the party who holds it.
Type the following command on a single line to create a key pair and self-signed public key certificate to represent the Application server.
在一行中键入下面的命令创建密钥对和自签署的公钥证书,以表示Application server。
Because our client certificate will be self-signed, we'll need to configure the client's public key certificate as a trusted signer for the server.
Export the client public key certificate so it can be imported into the service's store of trusted client certificates by typing the following command.
Type the following command on a single line to create a key pair and self-signed public key certificate to represent the J2EE-based EchoService client.
PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure), which is on the base of cryptography, resolved the issue of trust perfectly using public key certificate as a carrier.
In our case, because the server's certificate will be self-signed, we need to configure the server's public key certificate as a trusted signer for the client.
The main problem faced by TLS solution is the lack of the well-known Certificate Authority for user's public key certificate, and TLS can only use TCP connect.
此方案大规模应用所面临的问题是缺少广为人知的集中发布用户公钥证书的目录机构,及TLS只能基于TCP 连接。
Code satisfies the membership condition if it is signed by the software publisher with the private key that corresponds to the specified public key certificate.
The signature verifier must have access to the public key certificate that contains the public key associated with the private key used to produce the signature.
To create the key pair and self-signed public key certificate to represent the J2SE and J2EE clients, go to a command prompt and type the following command on a single line.
You must have already created the server key store and exported the server's public key certificate using the commands in the server section above before creating the client trust store.
To sign a portion of an XML document, you need a private key and a public certificate.
If access is based entirely on self-signed certificates, deleting the public key of a certificate from the trust store revokes its access.
Application signing begins by generating a private and public key pair and a related public-key certificate, also known as a public-key certificate.