They accused him of plundering the public treasury .
He said the leaders crafted procedures to cope with the failure of major financial firms in an orderly way that minimizes damage to the financial system and the public Treasury.
But as well as contract padding, Angolans have lost out as officials seize state assets through rigged privatisations or rip off the public Treasury in bail-outs of private companies.
The last straw was the scandal last year in which the telecom minister sold 2G broadband access to a billionaire at a tenth of its actual value, costing the public treasury $40 billion.
The US Treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, assured the public they could remain confident in the "soundness and resilience" of the financial system.
One reason why the country's public finances have deteriorated so sharply is that the Treasury became too dependent on a flood of tax revenue from the financial industry and property markets.
And it will be longer and more austere than anyone now dreams if the hole that has to be filled in the public finances turns out to be even greater than the Treasury says.
The two account for almost 65% of total Treasury securities held by foreign owners, 19% of the total U.S. national debt, and over 30% of Treasurys held by the public.
这两个国家持有的国债,占美国外债的65%,相当于美国所有国债的19%。 其中30%国债是公众持有的。
The US treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, assured the public that they can remain confident in the "soundness and resilience" of the financial system.
But Henry Paulson, the Treasury secretary, was adamant that he wouldn't sweeten the deal by putting more public funds on the line.
但是,亨利·保尔森(Henry Paulson)财长坚持他的观点:他不会为了让协议更有吸引力而将更多的公共资金置于风险之中。
By contrast, there is no public paper trail for the Fed's loans, even though it has more than three times as much money outstanding as does the Treasury through the Tarp.
Amadelux Investments (BC Partners and Cinven), 15.91% Air France, 7.96% Lufthansa, 9.00% Iberia, 3.98% minorities, 0.13% treasury, and 26.74% public.
在超额认购行权之前,Amadeus的股东架构如下:36.28%AmadeluxInvestments (BCPartnersand Cinven), 15.91%法国航空, 7.96%汉莎航空, 9.00% 西班牙Iberia航空, 3.98%少数股东, 0.13%财政部, 26.74% 公众股东;
When the Treasury in the United States sells Treasury bills notes and bonds they deal almost exclusively or we say primarily--with broker-dealers not the general public.
Indeed, the public relations challenge for the Treasury secretary will be to ensure his meetings in Beijing do not come across as a summons to the headmaster's office.
Even getting the five commissioners-a feisty bunch, some of whom had expressed their mistrust of big finance in public before they got the tap from the treasury-to agree was an achievement.
It is an important part of the public finance disbursing system to implement the centralized Treasury disbursing policy.
On Tuesday, the U.K. Treasury is expected to outline tens of billions of pounds of long-expected public-spending cuts and tax increases to help put Britain's finances back in order.
周二,预计英国财政部(u.k .Treasury)将制订出外界期盼已久的方案以帮助英国财政回归正途。这项削减公共支出和增税的计划总额高达数百亿英镑。
S. Dollar; today they are fleeing all financial stocks, Treasury bonds (9) and other public debts.
If public-sector workers decided to transfer their money into a private pension pot, to take advantage of the new freedom, the Treasury would have to cough up the cash immediately;
If public-sector workers decided to transfer their money into a private pension pot, to take advantage of the new freedom, the Treasury would have to cough up the cash immediately;