Or perhaps a law case is like pastry: it needs to sit and puff itself up for a while before being rolled out.
As I blew the second puff of smoke, Euclide showed up, parting company with some other boys and riding his little bike over to me.
The same muscles puff up the feathers of birds and the fur of mammals on cold days to help keep them warm.
Before I knew it, he'd lifted Hattie up on her toes, and her breath escaped in a puff.
Mix a spoon of lukewarm water with each linquid egg to puff it up and make it more fluffy.
Whatever the mechanism, the cooler the surface, the less energy there is to "puff up" the sun.
Our own sun may or may not puff out and light up like Kronberger 61 when it begins to die some five billion years from now.
我们的太阳几十亿年后步入死亡时,也许会也许不会像Kronberger 61那样迸散外壳然后点亮附近的气体。
Conceit may puff a man up, but never prop him up.
It's like if you've ever seen anyone try to burn cooking flour: if you puff it up enough in the air, you can actually burn it.
ACTION: : The best exercise for brains? "Anything that gets your heart rate up and makes you puff a bit," says Dr Brockis.
Conceit may puff a man up, but can never prop him up.
The more loved I feel within the less I have to puff myself up to be above others.
A mix of sweet, moist, soft and delicious dried fruits wrapped up in a buttery, flaky, half puff pastry then sprinkled with sugar or a dusting of icing sugar, just delicious.
As the pods puff up and up and up, consciousness that is biological asserts itself in an expanded space between of darkness.
Such lost souls puff themselves up into grand monsters.
The worst that will happen is your skin will itch and puff up and your doctor will give you something for the allergy or the inflammation.
Just because we understand or have knowledge about an issue we must be careful because this can puff us up, or make us proud.
This annual gathering already has more delegates who raise their chins and puff up their chests as they speak about the will of the people.
Skies town grew up like Mr. Puff also awarded a letter of appointment, he was hired as a designer planned town hall, designed for another painting we draw useful characteristics.
When one fails to ascend the space between, the Spaces between puff up and up and up in the field of such an initiate as the famous ascension teacher that died.
She picked it up and pulled out cork. Whoosh! A big puff of smoke appeared.
Many people like to puff a quick breath into their hand to check if they're ready for that face-to-face job interview, or even just ready to pucker up for someone special.
We are easily tempted to complain, criticize, and puff ourselves up with pride, thinking we deserve more out of life.
So you pick it up and the puff is free--it is a cigar butt stock. You get one free puff on it and then you throw it away and try another one. It is not elegant.
Don't just say you're good at something and puff it up with a bunch of empty adjectives;
Of mine is just like this, puff oneself up to one's own cost, in fact heart is burning, it is not a flavour.
I was afraid that he might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke, and I would wake up.
I have been trying to make myself strong to puff myself up to cover up my weakness.
I have been trying to make myself strong to puff myself up to cover up my weakness.