I took a puff on the cigarette and started coughing.
That little devil progesterone may also be affecting your lungs causing you to huff and puff on long walks, upstairs or even doing the dishes.
So you pick it up and the puff is free--it is a cigar butt stock. You get one free puff on it and then you throw it away and try another one. It is not elegant.
The same muscles puff up the feathers of birds and the fur of mammals on cold days to help keep them warm.
Before I knew it, he'd lifted Hattie up on her toes, and her breath escaped in a puff.
Each time that the woman passed in front of him, he bestowed on her, together with a puff from his cigar, some apostrophe which he considered witty and mirthful, such as, "How ugly you are!"
But now the clouds clamped down and a sharp scent of sulfur and putrid fish wafted on a dank puff of air.
Only four of the remaining 42 permitted smoking indoors, while the rest allowed patients or staff to puff away somewhere outdoors on hospital property.
Haldon stalked to the stern to piss down at the sun where it shimmered on the water, breaking apart with every puff of wind.
The effects of cigarette weight, draw resistance and puff number on TPM were studied with correlation and path analyses.
From puff sleeves, bell sleeves to Juliet sleeves, bigger and wider sleeves were seen in many places, including on the runways for 2017 Spring and Summer collections.
Whenever I take my pipe and stuff it and smoked, to pass the time away, my thoughts as I sit there and puff it, dwell on a picture sad and gray that teaches me that very like am I myself unto my pipe.
My thoughts as I sit there and puff it, dwell on a picture sad and gray that teaches me that very like am I myself unto my pipe.
Studies were carried out on the ultrastructural and cytochemical features of the puff-like structure (PLS) of Vicia faba.
Method of Use: Dab a suitable amount of powder with puff and gently press to apply the powder on the face or apply evenly with a powder brush.
But machines don't reflect the way real people smoke - smokers often puff harder on "low-tar" cigarettes to get the same experience of smoking, for example.
Based on the moving puff integration model, TSP atmospheric diffusion model in conditions of light air and calm has been derived theoretically by a method of mathematical model analysis.
Application method: Add Finish Cake to the powder puff and apply to face and neck. Can be used on its own or mixed with double color powder.
Combining the data of gas puff Z pinch experiments on Qiangguang I generator, the expression of the line mass is obtained using the implosion time expression which is deduced from snow-plow model.
The influence of shred distribution in tobacco rod on the cigarette smoke index and puff-by-puff analysis of smoke were studied by comparative test and analysis.
In heavy oil reservoir with active edge and bottom water. the incursion of edge and bottom water has a serious impact on the production performances during steam huff and puff.
I'll never huff and puff while waiting for you to put on my makeup.
A production decline model which is fit for water huff and puff well is established based on the in-site production data and imbibition experiment in lab.
A production decline model which is fit for water huff and puff well is established based on the in-site production data and imbibition experiment in lab.