This system would work fine on a personal server where you're the only one accessing it, but in the real world, it would be impractical (and rude) to pull the feed every time someone wants to read it.
While that might not be much time, it’s probably enough to pull back emails where you forget an attachment, forget to cc someone, or catch an obvious typo.
I grab the wheelwell trim and pull. Someone grabs my feet and pulls.
One that assumes that someone will look at that video and seek an opportunity to pull a clip out of context and post it.
Grace heard someone talking to Reiko. The man from the SUV was trying to get Reiko to help open the door of the Mercedes, so he could pull her out to safety.
Mr Obama is likening the Republican Party to a driver who, having crashed into a ditch, waits for someone else to pull the car out and then asks for the keys back.
I thought I could pull these songs from those tapes and put them together as someone else, this funky guy.
Maybe rather than investing in a whole new look you want someone to pull together the chairs, lamps and rugs you already own.
On Sunday afternoons we would get together at my grandparents' house, and sooner or later someone would pull out a guitar and start singing.
However, I do have a stash of toys that I pull out each time we're stuck in a traffic jam or are just waiting for someone or something. My waiting room toy kit consists of the following.
Do you ever feel the urge to pull out your smartphone while someone else is making a point in a conversation?
Pull resources with industry partners and get someone in-house to do it for all of your sites;
Now when someone stares at us I pull on Trey's sleeve. "Go shake his hand, Trey, " I encourage him.
However, someone managed to pull the strings to visit the wards and gave the presents in person.
If you're like most, you have someone in your team or organization pull together, either manually or with some automation, a report on a daily or weekly basis.
Now if you see someone who pull on the high-heel shoe at street, what will you think?
On someone pull a face of the translation, to make faces interpretation pull a face means …
If someone is shocked by electric, we'd better use the dielectric such as wood stick to move away the conductor. If we pull that person, we will be shocked too.
At this point, you want to pull people closer again... particularly someone whom you can see a long and fulfilling future with.
Mr Ding mentioned the self-humiliation made by handicapped due to body limitation and other reasons could pull down someone, but also could create someone.
Bright colors work on someone who has a bubbly personality, earth tones on people who are more laid back, and trendy patterns that few people can pull off work on people with a lot of confidence.
Bright colors work on someone who has a bubbly personality, earth tones on people who are more laid back, and trendy patterns that few people can pull off work on people with a lot of confidence.