The search results pull up a field for you to enter a tracking number, rather than making you click through to to do that.
RubyMine 2.0 adds several new refactorings, such as Extract Module/Superclass, Introduce Variable/Constant/Field, Inline Variable and Pull Up/Push Down Members.
RubyMine 2.0加入了一些新的重构,例如抽取模块/超类,引入变量/常数/Field,内联变量以及取出/放入成员。
The Fix: Feldberg says candidates should take the time to pull up several different job advertisements for vacant positions in his or her field.
It's the harvest time for turnips. The rabbits want to pull up the turnips. Mother rabbit tells them that they can arrive at the field by path with 5 trees.
It's the harvest time for turnips. The rabbits want to pull up the turnips. Mother rabbit tells them that they can arrive at the field by path with 5 trees.