In reinforced concrete, pulling stress mainly borne by the steel and concrete merely endure pressure stress.
Basis on our studies, we proposed a new method of pulling stress, and prospect the application of this new method.
While in neutral and pronator position, the pulling stress is in medial part and the pressing stress is in lateral part.
So how is it that the stress of meeting deadlines, conducting research and pulling all-nighters at college actually reduces students’ blood pressure?
Pulling a frightened cat out of a hiding place in order to comfort it, could actually add to its stress, the guide reveals.
The distribution of thermal stress in the pulling straightening roller of slab casting machine is calculated with finite element method.
If this stress causes Bridges crossing the Mississippi River to be fracturing and pulling apart, it obviously will affect fragile caverns.
Stress analysis of control pulling cables with different geometry is done, from which it is concluded that the control pulling cable should be designed and arranged as smoothly as possible.
An analysis of anti-pulling mechanism was discussed on the base of the shear stress-displacement characteristics between grouted bolt-the soil layer.
Whether we realize it or not, we have evolved a large number of silent, automatic reactions to cope with the constant stress of living in a downward-pulling world.
Pulling hair into tight braids or ponytails can increase that stress and lead to breakage—or even bald spots.
Pulling hair into tight braids or ponytails can increase that stress and lead to breakage—or even bald spots.