We're obligated to keep a pulse on the population for at least five years after the foxes are delisted.
"The idea is that the time that the pulse is on is about a quarter of a period of a vibration, " Sankey said.
So, as crude as they are, tallies of species' statuses let conservationists take the pulse of life on the planet.
There is another class of lasers, however, that pulse, oscillating between an "on" stage, where light is produced, and an "off" stage, when the amount of light is dramatically reduced.
She seemed to be alive, as she lay on the stretcher, but she had no pulse, nor was she breathing.
And if, on top of the bright pulse, a smaller pulse of just the right type is sent, the detector can be forced to record a one or a zero.
Technically I died down there, but the ambulance crew managed to save me - they put paddles on me, shocked me and got my pulse going again.
Your surgical procedure will depend on whether your project just needs the electronic pulse generator. or a clock with working hands that continues to tell time. If you just need the clock's ticker.
Your surgical procedure will depend on whether your project just needs the electronic pulse generator. or a clock with working hands that continues to tell time.
But after getting the magnetic pulse, the volunteers tended to see nothing wrong with his actions - and judged his behaviour purely on whether his girlfriend survived.
Their resistance to outsourcing, concentration on core operations and production capabilities, and focus on the pulse of fashion have made them one of the most successful clothing retails.
Who keeps a pulse on market trends and competitors’ moves?
Depending on the specifics of the nervous message, the chip can adjust the voltage of the pulse it sends.
Sign up for Google Alerts - This is a great way to take the proverbial pulse of your hotel without surfing the web on a daily basis.
Don't expect telecoms to beat down the doors for dark pulse lasers, however, said Purdue University's Andrew Weiner, an expert on ultra-fast optics.
This modification caused a heavy "pulse" of load on the server, which made it easier to measure the time it took for resultant replications.
Four white LEDs on the interface pulse at different frequencies, and the system can use the frequency of the brainwave evoked to determine at which LED the user is staring.
In addition to distributing attacks on brand reputation, companies use social media to keep a finger on the pulse of crises like a product recall, or to monitor the progress of a new product launch.
In addition to having your finger on the pulse of project status it is equally important to determine if expected returns were recognized during a GDD project.
The radiation pattern in the near and far field of each frequency component of the spectrum of current pulse on a transmission line.
Managers can keep their finger on the pulse of the organization by monitoring the rumor mill and should make a point of correcting false or distorted infor.
A cat's pulse is between 160-240 beats per minute, depending on the age of the cat (the younger he is, the faster the heartbeat.)
猫咪的心率每分钟160 ~ 240跳,这个和它的年龄相关(越年轻,跳得越快)。
Influences of input optical pulses including the control pulse and probe pulse on the switching window of ultrafast nonlinear interferometer (UNI) are studied by numerical simulation and experiment.
The Earth Pulse map, for instance, has a menu on the side that allows users to display information based on metrics such as population, meat consumption and deforestation.
The great people managers, those that seem to have a pulse on their people, may have an innate sense of what's going on in the world or a Magic 8-Ball that tells them the answers.
The jacket's purpose is to make viewers feel anxiety and other emotions through signals such as sending a shiver up the viewer's spine and creating a pulse on the chest to simulate a rapid heartbeat.
This paper particularly analyze the relation between frequency of measured signal and frequency of count pulse on measuring precision.
This paper particularly analyze the relation between frequency of measured signal and frequency of count pulse on measuring precision.