Rather than recognizing characters, especially characters in a group, they have to put together hair color, body marks, and language to figure out who they're watching throw a punch.
A punch or a kick is not to knock the hell out of the guy in front, but to knock the hell out of your ego, your fear, or your hang-ups.
Punch a button on the replicator and it'll spit out a pair of flawless diamond earrings.
She dropped the punch, reached out her hand for a bill, opened the purse at her waist, put the money in, snapped it shut again and squeezed the change out of the coin holder that was attached to it.
The reporter for Publishers Weekly wrote an article headlined ' Fight Club Author Knocks Them Out Without a Punch.
But it turned out that the soft-spoken kid with the killer punch had demons that had never been conquered.
Instead of coming out to punch the ball, DE Gea stayed rooted to his spot like a potted plant, essentially giving the Potters the equalizer.
For the average Joe, this means devices coming out in the next two years will pack more of a visual punch and surf the Web at lighting speeds on whatever network is available.
The audience struggled to grasp the punch lines, and Mr. Wong recalls looking out on the blank faces of a 'polite but serious' crowd.
Punch out the hair clip holder from the back of the packaging. Use the Silk Seed to attach the hair clip holder to the wall.
But if stats are your thing, then this packs a punch like a heavyweight. Let's pick out a few.
If you can't pull the nails out by their heads, punch them out from the other side of the board.
I ordered a rum punch in the restaurant, but they said they ran out of rum.
Ping an IP address from 50 locations around the world or punch out to an SSH application and connect to it
On the basis of analysing composition and testing results of noise generated by high speed punch press the major noise sourse and the noise characteristics are pointed out.
The radius of the punch and die cutting edges is laid out to produce the desired circular shape without nicking into the circle as the work proceeds.
Rip : Well, I think my roommate is going to boot me out, so I've decided to beat him to the punch and move out.
The result is an extremely strong field-one that delivers enough pressure when it hits the steel to punch out the material next to it, leaving a hole behind.
Joe knocked him out with one punch.
With Liu out, Nike's advertising loses some of its punch, Renner said.
On the basis of analysing composition and testing results of noise generated by high speed punch press, the major noise sourse and the noise characteristics are pointed out.
On the basis of analysing composition and testing results of noise generated by high speed punch press, the major noise sourse and the noise characteristics are pointed out.