On Rosebud, Mr Osborn is waiting for adequate transmission and a power-purchase agreement.
To me, Google's wind power purchase agreement is a way of experimenting with clean power and Google Energy.
The firm orders of this purchase agreement have been included in the Company's second quarter backlog.
The transaction was entered into and closed according to the definitive terms of a share purchase agreement.
These requirements are defined in the purchase agreement with appendices, referring to DACORE Quality manuals.
No personal property shall be conveyed with the property unless specifically included in the purchase agreement.
Yet it is unlikely that Russia will agree to continue the Purchase Agreement past its expiration in three years' time.
Moog and GE have initiated the applicable regulatory filings and expect to sign a definitive purchase agreement very shortly.
Business jet is a personalized product. When a buyer signs a purchase agreement, he will make a large sum of advance payment.
"Agreement" means this Purchase Agreement, including the Statement of Work, performance guarantees, addendums and amendments hereto.
The award falls under the MCSC Commercial Enterprise Omnibus support services blanket purchase agreement, which was awarded to Stanley in 2006.
PG&E had previously signed a power purchase agreement with BrightSource in April 2008 for 500 megawatts with an option to buy another 400 megawatts.
Note 4: The order of precedence in case of conflict among the following documents shall be: (1) Purchase Agreement; (2) DN or other delivery requests; (3) PO.
以下交易文件内容冲突时的适用顺序为: (1)供货合同; (2)交货通知单或其它交货文件; (3)本订单。
While Apple has not strongly condemned unlocking, it has warned consumers that this violates the purchase agreement and can cause problems with software updates.
A: Sure. Let me check the balance. (Mr. Wang picks up a file and checks the Preliminary Sale and Purchase Agreement.) the balance is forty-three thousand HongKong dollars.
In May 2007, the airline announced lease agreements for eight new airplanes followed by a direct purchase agreement with Boeing for 42 Next-Generation 737s, announced in August 2007.
The decision allows Porsche to add 4.9 percent to its existing 31 percent holding through a share-purchase agreement, giving it ``de facto'' control of Volkswagen, the commission said.
TPG doubtless had good cause to rethink: its decision to withdraw the offer came after Moody’s, a rating agency, downgraded B&B, triggering a get-out clause in their purchase agreement.
These sums are following the Sales and Purchase Agreement issued by the seller and are irrevocable for the life of the transaction and NCND including all roll-overs and extensions.
The catalog price of the aircraft purchase agreement was about 4 billion US dollars and the planes will be delivered to eight leading Chinese airline companies between 2006 and 2008.
Other than as provided in a purchase agreement you enter into with RED, RED will not accept any counter-offers to these Terms of Use, and all such offers are hereby categorically rejected.
The installation has been operating for approximately five years with the owner selling power and steam to Central Connecticut State University under a multi-year power purchase agreement.
The installation has been operating for approximately five years with the owner selling power and steam to Central Connecticut State University under a multi-year power purchase agreement.