The process at JoeLaptops then sends the purchase order confirmation to an ACME process that accepts purchase order confirmations.
The Sales Agent figures out what parts of the purchase order can be fulfilled and forms a purchase order confirmation that provides a detailed line-by-line account of the items it can provide.
Next, Company B invokes a Web service on Company A and sends the purchase order confirmation as a request, and receives a receipt acknowledging the purchase order confirmation as the response.
随后,公司B 针对公司 A调用一个Web服务,处理完后公司 B发送订购单确认作为对公司 A 的请求,然后公司A 将发送订购单确认已收到作为对公司 B 的响应。
You can also build a tabbed interface on your Purchase Confirmation page: one TAB each for cross-sell, order playback, and billing playback.
还可以在Purchase Confirmation页面上构建选项卡式界面:交叉销售、订单重放和帐单重放各有一个选项卡。
Seller without the prior written consent of Buyer shall not disclose information (including denial or confirmation) relative to the Purchase Order.
If you are paying by purchase order please send a copy of this confirmation along with the purchase order to the address below or fax them to 345-333-222.
假如你是为了领取购置,请一同发送推销订单到以下地址或传真至345 - 333 - 222一本确认书正本。
Good for Tibet visa, travel agencies in Tibet will give you a confirmation, and only with Tibet in order to confirm the purchase of books and bus tickets and travel tours.
To place the purchase order to suppliers, get confirmation about delivery date and feedback supervisor supplier's confirmation.
To place the purchase order to suppliers, get confirmation about delivery date and feedback supervisor supplier's confirmation.