Pure-blood Chinese Han ethnicity vanishes.
Malfoy Manor is the home of the pure-blood Malfoy family.
"By the conclusion of the series, the Weasley family is the only known pure-blood family to have several male heirs.".
"Yeah, that fits, " said Harry. "He'd play up the pure-blood side so he could get in with Lucius Malfoy and the rest of them.
As of 2005, the last remaining speaker and pure-blood member of the Yaghan tribe was an elderly woman named Cristina Calderon.
Kreacher and Regulus's family were all safer if they kept to the old pure-blood line. Regulus was trying to protect them all.
Dolores never saw her mother or brother again, never spoke of either of them, and henceforth pretended to all she met that she was a pure-blood.
I borrowed it from Kreacher, "she explained as Ron raised his eyebrows." it lists the pure-blood families that are now extinct in the male line.
Also one of the weightiest arguments against extremist pure-blood elitism is that inbreeding could lead to heaps of other less fortunate genetic results, but that is outside the scope of this essay.
Contrary to widespread prejudices in favor of keeping Japan “pure, ” we desperately need to dilute our blood.
All of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopene and are indeed pure heart and blood food.
So convergence that light and blood of dripping wet blade, those who replace is exhibited "lost generation" pure and exploration, and love and true.
The history of the great nation, is entirely due to racial mixing and destruction caused by pure blood.
Arab blood is pure and highly prepotent: it has the capacity to mix with virtually any other breed and effect an improvement in the resulting progeny.
According to the different natures and contain health lesions of how many can be expressed to the naked eye, including pure blood blood clots and under mirror of blood.
Therefore, repeat of the practice asana is absolutely not simple repeat. After each repeat, your body is purified by the new fresh blood and more pure consciousness.
Objective To investigate the pure type 2 diabetes and type 2 diabetes with hypertension on lipid metabolism, microvascular disease, the impact of blood rheology.
The team then used unique, clinically applicable techniques to separate out each immune cell type in the patients' blood into pure samples for study.
Conclusion the pure titanium screw-type implant can form a good osseointegration with the part-blood-supplied rabbit tibia, but the time of osseointegration is prolonged.
It is discovered that commercial pure titanium has good biocompatibility after plasma nitriding, the formed blood vascularized tissue reaction layer is thin and cell reaction is good.
Hagrid: See the thing is, Harry, there are some wizards, like the Malfoy family, who think they're better than others because they're what people call pure blood.
Blood samples collected from the wing vein of healthy pure yellow-feather egg quails were used to study the cellular morphology and physiology parameter of the blood of yellow-feather quails.
You were supposed to be my wife, to bear me children with silver hair and purple eyes, to keep the blood of the dragon pure.
Originally pure white flower, but the one that has become bright-colored is red. Color of the blood.
He'd have loved to think the scratches on the stone were a coat of arms, because as far as he was concerned, having pure blood made you practically royal.
He'd have loved to think the scratches on the stone were a coat of arms, because as far as he was concerned, having pure blood made you practically royal.