High brightness energy-saving, COB chip, high brightness, pure color.
No Ji 'nan light color device manufacturers are difficult to produce pure color products.
I explore the black color differently, not as a pure color, but as the existence of shadow.
In piebalds the color patches should be well defined, of pure color and symmetrically distributed.
A, with timber and the color should be neutral colors and pure color, never be riotous with colour.
Pure color from shellfish give it graceful feeling. Unicom shape colored red or white wanders in noble pure.
RVD diamond with pure color and high purity, suitable for resin bond diamond tools making and rough grinding.
Old school less noisy, the sunset is more inclined Fai add this quiet campus a pure color, makes her look like a shy girl.
Some of this is overcome by using pure color in the background of containers, such as the black background of the navigation bar.
If the list from the oral traditions and the objectivity aspect, the pure color vision phantom office is selected sufficiently.
As if the light (though it seemed to me not so much light as pure color) were charged with something, I didn't know what, but it might well have been eternity.
Products with high surface hardness and resistance to impact, color of paint for imports of metal, pure color, strong adhesion, it is not easy discoloration.
In the choice of imitation marble lines, but also deal with the line surface is smooth, edges have no defect, no cracks, scratches, or trachoma, whether pure color screen areas.
With a form of simple, clumsy and bold structures, his works emphasized on the layout of colors and the overall effect, with a good use of pure color and a strong sense of decoration.
It was all pure speculation because as I said, there was no way to know if the bulb was really going to produce the variety, the color that was promised.
See a splash of pure red, then imagine two or three objects that are red, then go back to seeing only the color.
Bright, pure yellow is an attention getter, which is the reason taxicabs are painted this color.
In images like this one, Norham Castle, Sunrise where he USES oils like water color, and gives a fluid delicate luminosity that hovers on the edge of a pure blinding vision, that's almost abstraction.
Really is a pure white to color, but color is again seven in the complex mixture of colors.
The design of the main with simple graphics is given priority to, colour also pure colour gives priority to color, main show a lively, natural, lovely spirit of dragon.
The overall sound remains pure Grado, warm harmonic color, full bodied vocals, excellent dynamics and an ultra smooth top end.
The blade, when lit, did indeed glow in front of the camera, but it lacked the color and hazy corona that surrounded the pure white blade as seen in the finished film.
The building combines delicately the classic elegant style and the modern design element with the pure and elegant color, and the architectural noble and elegance.
No time, transparent, pure, quiet, enough to melt a color of their own, it is the only natural given the color of the sea.
Just as the pure crystal takes color from the object which is nearest to it, so the mind, when it is cleared of thought-waves, achieves sameness or identity with the object of its concentration.
Yes, the beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewelry rims–just the color to wear in your beautiful, hair.
Yes, the beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewelry rims–just the color to wear in your beautiful, hair.