Push off and start kicking. That's pretty much it… the sox do all the work.
So this is going to teach you to push off on my back and then rolls to my side.
The fastest you ever travel is when you dive off the block and push off the wall.
Put on your favorite pair of fins and push off on your back with arms in streamline.
The boat hit me on the shoulder while I was trying to push off the bottom of the boat.
From a standing position, take a deep breath, push off the wall and glide like Superman!
Push off on your stomach with your hands in streamline and lock your head between your arms.
If you don't do this, soups, sauces and fruits in liquid will push off their LIDS, once frozen.
I like to let my knees go apart when I flip, cuz I think this gives me a better base when I push off.
That same area is used to push off the ground, generally wearing down this area of the shoe much quicker.
When they plant the feet too low, it's usually because they can't WAIT to push off and start swimming again.
Freeways, highways, unpaved secondary roads lead you to places from where you can push off into the wilderness.
Next, push off on your stomach and kick for a few cycles, then rotate to your side. Maintain the same rhythm of the kick.
But there was no sense in a handful of countries imposing such a tax; financial activities would simply push off elsewhere.
Meanwhile, I couldn't stand up on my snoeboard. After thirty minutes I finally managed to push off from the top of the hill.
Practice a long, well-timed, and powerful breaststroke pulldown... every time you push off the wall after a breaststroke turn.
German and French Banks, Greece's largest lenders, are also pitching in with complex plans that push off the day when debts come due.
It was thought that all frogs moved this way. They'd push off with their back legs, and then once in flight, rotate the limbs forward.
The more powerfully you can push off the ground, the less effort each stride will take, and ultimately it will be easier to run faster.
Having a successful push off in backstroke means being able to stay under water long enough to take advantage of your underwater dolphin.
It would be far easier to build a bigger database server, and push off the need to rebuild your application to support the sharding of data.
This paper probes the structure and working process of auto distributor push off centred advance machine and its design calculation methods are given.
The soleus is the other major muscle in the calf, located in front of the gastroc. It is important for planting the foot on the ground before your push off.
The idea is to be able to sink straight down to the bottom of the pool and stay there exhaling until you are ready to push off the bottom and come back up.
This movement should be quicker than the regular squat because it requires the use of muscular power to push off the floor and return to starting position.
An arch in the foot would provide leverage to push off the ground at the start of a stride and then help absorb shock when the foot meets ground again, suggesting Lucy's feet were much like ours.
He tried to use his own weight to push his attacker off but he was off balance.
Patented EZ Port is the simple drive on, push-off method of dry docking.
At other times, she would turn petulantly away, and hide her face in her hands, or even push him off angrily; and then he took care to let her alone, for he was certain of doing no good.
At other times, she would turn petulantly away, and hide her face in her hands, or even push him off angrily; and then he took care to let her alone, for he was certain of doing no good.