At the place where she lived the cruel law could not be put in force against Hermia, this law not extending beyond the boundaries of the city.
The China National Tourism Administration has announced on its official website that the Regulations on Tourist Complaints Handling will be put in force from July 1, 2010.
"I guarantee you, there will be [a failure] in due course," he said, one that will force a recalibration of the faith people put cloud services for critical data preservation.
When you put this in a centrifuge your force on this glass is so high that you must always make sure that you balance it with another tube that you fill with water on the other side.
Hopefully most of you know that the electric field is a vector field that basically tells you what kind of force will be exerted on a charged particle that you put in it.
But with its brand name on the line and long-term aspirations to be a real force in China, Facebook has little option but to put itself in the driving seat.
If do you decide to have kids, you don't have to put them in soul-sucking institutions that only force them to memorize facts and formulas they aren't interested in.
Put another way, a 64-bit password would require 2 raised to the power of 64 attempts to crack it by brute force—in short, 18 billion billion attempts.
That means if you put an object in there that is completely immobile and you leave it in that force field, well, of course it might accelerate in some direction but it won't start spinning.
When an activity is force-completed, the activity is put in state finished and the follow-on navigation is continued.
The goal of net neutrality is to set rules and put laws in place to force service providers and telcos to allow all applications, services and devices access networks to perform on equal terms.
The restrictions older-style games impose on image and sound quality force developers to put more thought into what goes in - and what's left out.
If, however, this object wants to go in this direction - which I do not know-- then the frictional force has to be put in this direction.
Slide - "in 1957 some of us put forward a partially complete theory of the weak force, in disagreement with the results of seven experiments."
Three or four of us, in 1957, put forward a partially complete theory of one of these forces, this weak force.
Then, in December, India put in place strict new limits so that no more than 1% of a project's work force can be foreign nationals, with a ceiling of 40 workers for power projects.
Conclution: The functions of this medicine were expansion of periphery blood vessel and reduction its resistance, increase in myocardium contractive force and in cardiac out put.
A kind of load like real airstream is produced by load simulator in experiment , which is put on missile's wings to make them work on the same force situation as in the real spread process .
Therefore, the author has adopted a method which makes the results from pressure distribution data be assorted with the data from the parts force measurement and put into use in the model design.
In this article, put out the idea of use magnetic force driving pump as driver instead of others and make the system safety and without leakage.
Model reference control and repetitive control were applied in multi-channel electric hydraulic synchron-force servo loading system, and a new control method based on online learning was put forward.
Analyse the characteristics and problems of rural labour force resource in Shuzhou and put forward five countermeasures to suitabley make advantage of and exploit rural labour force.
They are tested firstly in testing saw with intent to analysis the force, power and dynamic characteristic, then put into operation in medium section mill for checking their performances.
They are tested firstly in testing saw with intent to analysis the force, power and dynamic characteristic, then put into operation in medium section mill for checking their performances.