He wanted a boy to work for him, and he put an advertisement in the newspaper.
Why not put an ad (广告) in the newspaper?
The magazine is in his bag, but he can't remember where he put the newspaper.
Don Brown, a retired newspaper editor who works across the hall from me at the University of Alabama, told me he has picked up countless books in his life, but this one he never really put down.
James Murdoch, who had been running BSkyB when the alleged phone-hacking took place but was subsequently put in charge of the newspaper business, approved some payments.
In a recent interview with the editor of the newspaper El pais, he denied that Spain had put the euro at risk by resisting change before then.
In July, a British newspaper reported that Sir John's wife put details about the family onto her Facebook page.
Once they have filled their bellies and put a roof over their heads, people want more of what Fred Hirsch, an economist who worked on this newspaper in the 1950s and 1960s, called “positional goods”.
一旦食可果腹,居有定所,人们就想要更高层次的东西。这就是19世纪五六十年代在该报工作的经济学家Fred Hirsch所谓的“地位商品”。
To ensure its safety during the second world war, the buffalo was wrapped in newspaper, put into a wooden box marked "porcelain" and deposited in a bank vault.
In 1956, when the cold war was at its peak, America deployed a "secret sonic weapon", as a newspaper headline put it at the time.
Put a full-page AD in the newspaper every Friday, advertising the weekly special coming up.
If you want to sell your secondhand car, why not put an advertisement in the local newspaper?
After all you have to do is, but see dogs to toilet smell or everywhere in the toilet is not correct place right, you are a just hugged him and put him in the newspaper.
Another opinion poll, published in the El Periodico newspaper yesterday, put Zapatero's party eight percentage points behind the PP.
Tom saw an advertisement in a newspaper for a beautiful modern bicycle which cost $89, so he went to the shop which had put the advertisement in and asked to see one of their wonderful bicycles.
French newspaper le Figaro recently reported the black box data had put Airbus in the clear by showing the plane had experienced no electronic or mechanical failure.
I put up an advertisement in the newspaper for the sale of my car, but there have been no responses so far.
If you want to sell your house property, why not put an advertisement in the newspaper?
A small item in the newspaper can easily be neglected, but a short announcement on the radio, put out several times during the course of the day, is a more sure-fire method.
Thus, we prefer to believe them, not be trusted its no, I put the price in accordance with the requirements of the other newspaper in the past, a total of about 100,000.
Having found some newspaper clippings of my old writings, I replaced in the suitcase the album that had seen many more winters than I. then I carefully put back the lid on the suitcase.
An analysis of the present situation of college school newspaper in campus cultural construction has been made and specific solutions have been put forward.
They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one that was good enough. They had to use actors for the other members of the band.
It may opt to put an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine which gives a short description on the job and invites introductory letters from applicants.
It may opt to put an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine which gives a short description on the job and invites introductory letters from applicants.