Put more simply, smaller loans go delinquent more often.
Or maybe it could be put more simply like this: How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?
They are also the ones who know there are systems that are more powerful, reliable and faster, but their employer simply will not put up the funds to buy them.
"To put it more simply," she says, "in the years when strong westerly and southerly winds bring cool water rich in nutrients closer to the Australia coast, there is an increase in the number of fish."
Although you can simply put CARDS on a bulletin board, using software might be more desirable, especially if the team members are distributed across multiple locations.
Simply put, more handsets capable of browsing the web means more data usage.
This would have a more reliable impact on the economy than temporary tax cuts-some of which would simply be saved by taxpayers-though it would take time to put the new money to work.
Simply put, having the opportunity to be alive is a good thing, and the more such opportunity exists, the better.
If you have entertained the idea of living more simply but have never tried before, put it to a short test for a few days or weeks.
Simply put, a plug-in is nothing more than an existing application or service that is exported as an install setup, which can then be installed on your machine from a remote repository.
Sure, you can just put your application on faster hardware, but why spend more money and time if simply reducing the number of steps will have a similar effect?
Simply put, this means no more taxpayer bailouts.
Put simply, the blood becomes more watery and can't carry as much oxygen - iron deficiency anaemia.
I don't think I could put the difference between the consistent winners and everyone else more simply than this: the best traders aren't afraid.
To put it simply, protein takes a lot of effort for the body to break down and digest. A lot more than, say, fat.
Some have suggested that crews are not qualified to carry guns and that having weapons aboard could simply put them in more danger.
Simply put, cultured meat is potentially a much more efficient and environmentally friendly way of putting meat on the table.
Or, as they put it so much more simply in the Italian prosecutor's case and the British tabloid press, guilty?
To put it simply, there has never been a more appropriate – or more industrially pressing – time to stock up on DVDs of Asian movies, or watch such films online via official platforms.
Simply put - the more interest your photo has in a particular area, the more time you'll spend looking at it.
Put simply, the network effect describes a phenomenon in which the value of a product goes up as more people use it.
Elsewhere, he put it more bluntly: "This business about a graceful exit just simply has no realism to it at all."
Elsewhere, he put it more bluntly: “This business about a graceful exit just simply has no realism to it at all.”
Very simply put, if your pet is overweight it is taking in more calories than it needs.
Or, to put it more simply: if everyone else around you is burned out, hanging on by a thread and generally unhappy, that might not be a badge of pride.
Simply put, the more times a restaurant can serve a particular table, clean it, seat a new customer, serve the new customer, rinse and repeat, the more money the restaurant makes.
It is likely to put you on the road to recovery more quickly than any hi-tech treatment simply by increasing your circulation researchers have found.
It is likely to put you on the road to recovery more quickly than any hi-tech treatment simply by increasing your circulation researchers have found.