The Unit of work and the dossier unit inconsistent separately and put on file the unit by the Unit of work to write up the opinion and to stamp.
The resulting form is then put on file, making you feel vaguely paranoid, even though you know from experience how much attention will be subsequently paid to it: none whatsoever.
We should put on file our fine and promising scientific and technological personnel. We should help them, regardless of seniority, to improve their working and living conditions.
From now on, every time someone gives you a compliment or you accomplish something that fills you with pride, put it in your file.
This method will find the properties file on the classpath, so it is necessary to put the directory with this file in the classpath.
We could see that millions of people were using the same key file. And we put this key file on a blacklist, so when your key file is on a blacklist you can't get updates any more.
当我们看到数以百万计的人在使用同一 个密钥文件,我们就会把这个密钥文件放到黑名单里去,然后你将再也得不到任何更新。
This file is retrieved whenever a visitor arrives on your website, and any redirect rules you put in there will be applied.
You can also put the file on a Web server and load it from a URL.
If you have many static entries (meaning the same command is run on every machine where sudo is), put these into a separate sudoers file, which can be achieved using the include directive.
The format of the CherryPy Web server config file and the options you can put into it are described on this Wiki.
If we put one name per line in our text file, we can easily split the file contents on the newline character to build our source arrays.
We put a letter in the permanent file or put the employee on a performance improvement plan.
Lawyers for Richard raced to file an appeal that would put a stay on his execution, which was due to take place that evening, but they were delayed by computer glitches.
Click on Add, enter a sensible name as the alias, and put the full path to where you copied the file, then click OK.
Brandt first encountered that arrogance in 2002 when he discovered that the Google cookie-a file they put on your computer to identify your browser-wasn't set to expire until 2038.
And that gives them a little audio file which sits in a web address which they can actually go and put in their E-mail signature, in their Facebook, on their LinkedIn, on their website.
Put the OSGi bundle, which is a JAR file, on a Web server.
将OS gi包(该包是一个JAR文件)放在Web服务器上。
Main thing: put it on paper and stick to the plan (don't file the plan in your inbox, you piler you!)
But here's what makes unique: When you upload a file, the service asks you to put an expiration date on it.
但Drop . io的特别之处在于:当你上传了一个文件,服务会让你为文件设定一个截止日期。
Get and put are very similar, both operating on a file name and a key name.
You will be taken to a page to put in some details. Enter your user name and the email address on file for that account.
Just get access to an audio file, put on your headphones, press play and start speaking at the same time as the native English speakers.
I'll put the function convert_to_upper in a separate file from the main function so that I can reuse it in another program later on. Here is the code for the main function (save it as convert_main.s).
我会将函数convert _ to_upper放到不同于main函数的单独的一个文件,以便我能够在随后的另一个程序内重用它。
If you think your own contribution is good enough to have further protection, you can register it with Beijing's Copyright protection Center of China and put your original work on file as evidence.
And we put this key file on a blacklist, so when your key file is on a blacklist you can't get updates any more.
Several people have asked me why there is a limit (called the file limit) on the number of files that can be put in an MPQ, and if there is any way around this limit.
CNF before install and put it in same folder where installer is running, If the file is not existing on MC, it will be copied as config.
For example, to put the current date on every page using only HTML would require a webmaster to manually edit every file, every day.
The recipient can then unzip the file and put the unzipped prototype folder on their computer.
The recipient can then unzip the file and put the unzipped prototype folder on their computer.