Bernard Weber, the Swiss-Canadian explorer who devised this extravaganza, hopes it will put him on a par with Pierre DE Coubertin, the Frenchman who revived the Olympics.
此次盛会的策划人瑞士裔加拿大人伯纳德·韦伯(Bernard Weber)希望这能让他与奥运会复兴者、法国人顾拜旦齐名。
In the end, many organizations find the limitations of most off-the-shelf build management tools put them, at best, on a par with do-it-yourself systems.
Bernard Weber, a Swiss-Canadian explorer who devised this extravaganza, hopes it will put him on a par with Pierre DE Coubertin, the Frenchman who revived the Olympics.
一名叫伯纳德·韦伯(Bernard Weber)的瑞士裔加拿大籍探险家策划了这场盛会,他希望借此能将自己与法国人顾拜旦(PierredeCoubertin)齐名,而后者复兴了奥林匹克运动。
That would put China's Gini index at over 0.5, on par with many South American countries, and, if trends continue, headed for the income inequality of much of Africa.
That would put China's Gini index at over 0.5, on par with many South American countries, and, if trends continue, headed for the income inequality of much of Africa.