Put simply, a class is a discrete block or bundle of variables and methods.
Put simply, it helps you live healthier for longer.
Put simply, corporations cannot be embarrassed because they do not have emotions.
Put simply, someone who is elected needs to be able to answer for what the police do.
Put simply, Streaming Web players will get players playing your game faster than ever.
Put simply, the blood becomes more watery and can't carry as much oxygen - iron deficiency anaemia.
Put simply, the prefrontal cortex is at the heart of our most flexible and forward-looking thoughts.
Siri, put simply, listens to voice commands, searches the Web and online services, and delivers answers.
Put simply, ultracapacitors are some of the best devices around for delivering a quick surge of power.
Put simply, professional regulation will protect patients; it will also protect the legitimate practitioner.
Put simply, it returns the payable amount if the payment due date matches the one supplied in the host variable.
Put simply, state-owned banks plying state-owned companies with loans isn't entirely beneficial for the state itself.
Put simply, Einstein's idea was that every object in the universe has it's own "time", and these vary as objects move.
Put simply, the network effect describes a phenomenon in which the value of a product goes up as more people use it.
Put simply, child trafficking is the movement of a child, within a country or across borders for exploitative purposes.
Put simply, farmers see that beneficial insects often devour pests, and when this is happening, pesticide is not needed.
Put simply, Eclipse scanners convert characters in a Document range into a series of Tokens that hold arbitrary data Objects.
This, put simply, is the effect that the chances of an event occurring at all-its base-rate-have on our ability to predict it.
Put simply, an Entity object represents any shape that can be seen, moved, or modified within the SketchUp design window.
Put simply, this involves regularly measuring the concentration of the gases emitted from the soil and trapped in a sealed box.
Put simply: we want developers to have the knowledge necessary to really wring out every last ounce of productivity from this IDE.
Irony, put simply, is a gap between words and their meaning, a space across which speaker and listener exchange a knowing wink.
Use Put.io. Put simply, Put.io fetches files from the Internet and allows you to either store them there or immediately stream them.
简单起见,Put. io从网上抓取文件,并且允许你存放在该网站上,或者立刻播放。
Put simply, the description in Listing 1 says "there is a person whose name is Edd Dumbill and whose e-mail address is edd@xml.com."
简单地说,清单1中的描述表明“有一个名叫EddDumbill 的人,他的电子邮件地址为 edd@xml.com。”
Put simply, SDO is a framework for data application development, which includes an architecture and API. SDO does the following.
Put simply, SDO is a framework for data application development, which includes an architecture and API. SDO does the following.