For example, when someone marries, we put up some red paper cuts on the wall, dressing table or other furniture to express our best wishes.
While cross-marketing is a good way of increasing exposure, at some point, someone will have to put up the dollars for this site to continue.
You are going to struggle to put us in a box on this one, but if someone came up with the answer we would be there faster than most people.
Pictures of the dog were put up on animal rescue websites, asking for someone to adopt the dog.
If someone has water running in their home, they put out a sign so people can come to fill up their jugs and buckets.
I think the time is right for someone to put a stake in the ground and say: 'Yes, we should come up with a different model and we should get paid fair compensation for the content that we deliver.
Are you someone who wants to age gracefully or are you going to put up a fight?
But if someone dared to rise up against him and transgress his laws, then he could exercise a direct power over the offender's life: as punishment, the latter would be put to death.
Put away your rubbish in a bin when out and about. Don't expect someone else to clean up after you.
The idea behind this is that if you stuffed a sock in your mouth, you'd be quiet... so if you tell someone to "put a sock in it", you're telling them to shut up.
How do we put in the Oval Office someone whose campaign manager has to go on every morning show after the debate and lie to try to make up for the nonsense her boss spouted?
他的竞选经理不得不在辩论后的第二天早上去每个晨间秀露脸,用撒谎的方式来尝试弥补老板喋喋不休的胡说八道。 面对这样一个人,我们怎么能把他送入椭圆形办公室?
Now our semester finish , our friends gone, one day I wake up in morning and someone knock our dormitory room and it is teacher Wei and he show me Pakistani flag and asked me how to put it.
If someone can stand to put up with you, maybe you'd better learn how to put up with them too and be thankful that anyone is willing to live with you at all.
If your heart is broken, sweep up the pieces, there will always be someone who will want to put it back together.
There must be someone behind the scenes who has put these boys up to playing such tricks.
If you're heart is broken, sweep up the pieces. There will always be someone who will want to put it back together.
If your heart is broken, sweep up the pieces, There will always be someone who will want to put it back together.
I have some vids that someone taped for me, but can't seem to get them downloaded. Will put them up as soon as I can.
There's no need to be nasty or to put up with attacks from someone else.
MT: So are you more of an endurance fighter, where you're using your jab and your quickness to wear someone down, or are you trying to set up the haymaker like Manny Pacquiao put on Ricky Hatton?
Someone in the audience later said: "We figured that he would have to put on his braces, pick up the crutches and limp his way off stage-to either find another violin or another string for this one."
Someone in the audience later said: "We figured that he would have to put on his braces, pick up the crutches and limp his way off stage-to either find another violin or another string for this one."