Doing chores can put a sense of responsibility into students' minds and teach them the spirit of rules as well as teamwork.
If you could choose labor successfully, and put all his spirit pouring into it, then happiness will find you.
These things are excruciatingly hard to put into words, and the spirit of... [negative thinking] surely dictates that we do not struggle too hard to do so.
In this way, people put a was originally black swallows, turned into a riot of colours, be lively and vivid, full of the spirit of the swallow.
Thus, the Devil sent Jack's spirit into the night with only a burning candle to light his way. Jack put the candle into a carved out turnip and has been roaming the Earth ever since.
In addition, two concepts of "the spirit of economists" and "the resource of economists" are put forward for being further probed into.
"Form markers" are the most important means of identifying the original style, and the main idea and the spirit of the writer are put into language.
We've had the experience of losing for the past couple of years, and we've lost together and that's put good hunger back into the team and the spirit is fantastic?
Let me show you how to put the magic back into your home, body and spirit with the magic of Bellydance!
This team spirit is evident throughout the squad, though friendships are put aside on the training pitch when the manager decides to split the players into groups to compete.
This team spirit is evident throughout the squad, though friendships are put aside on the training pitch when the manager decides to split the players into groups to compete.