The title of this discussion is taken from a question put by the John Templeton Foundation to leading scientists, scholars, and public figures.
If the question had been put to me, I would have first discussed whether corrupt and dishonest businessmen make greater profits than honest and morally admirable businessmen.
He watched each step of the processing carefully, saying nothing, making notes, and occasionally asking Wang to put a question to a manager or worker.
According to experiments, people who consciously struggle with a difficult question are more likely to get the wrong answer, compared to those who put it on the mental backburner.
Presumably you would put “tea downtown Seattle” and it brings up both rich search results and propagates the question, suitably altered for human consumption, to your network of friends.
When this question was put to a large sample of physicians, 72 percent chose option a, the safe-and-sure strategy, and only 28 percent chose program B, the risky strategy.
The natural question, at this point, is to say how can failure be a positive? Let me put this positive turning of baggage another way.
On April 30th, after weeks of speculation and bucketloads of platitudes from the company about corporate governance, it finally tried to put the succession question to bed.
If somebody answers a question in a way that you think didn't put your best foot forward find a constructive way of adding to the point rather than disagreeing with your team member.
He answered, responding to the first question which she had put to him as though he had just heard it.
Between 528 and 2, 493 people interviewed in each country, either by phone or face-to-face (the question was put to people who said they knew something about climate change).
每个国家参与调查的人数在528人到2493人之间。 调查数据通过电话或面谈取得(调查对象仅限声称对气候变化问题有一定了解的人士)。
We also put the question of how significant the study is to Barry Popkin at the University of North Carolina.
The producers refused to even talk about residuals. They put forth a simple and compelling question: Why should any employee be paid more than once for the same job?
It decomposes the question put to it into discrete bits of data and then searches its vast data base for statistically frequent combinations of the bits it is working with.
Another question is how to schedule a PUT and a GET on the same buffer without causing conflicts.
But in keeping with the focus of our discussion about the badness of death, I want to put aside the moral question? And think about how good or bad for me? Is it that there's variability in death?
He said she had no opportunity to even ask a question because he simply asked her how she had got the number, told her never to call it again and put the phone down.
The parties to the negotiation decided to put aside the question of whether, and how, to make the deal legally binding pending the passage of America's emissions-reducing legislation.
Since the children were too old for the baby-staring trick, but unable to answer the question: "How many?", researchers laid out counters, then put them away and asked the children to "do as I did".
Even though it will be put to rather mundane USES, the technology in question has an exotic name: quantum-dot lighting.
Military force is out of the question because of the danger to the South. The United States' new missile-defence system is, to put it charitably, unproven.
These results might put the source of success for singing therapies into question. But further studies are needed before therapists decide to change their tune.
Often the technology in question is custom application logic that you wrote yourself to extract data from an XML document and put it into a column on a table in a relational database.
If you consider the information in question to be part of the essential material that is being expressed or communicated in the XML, put it in an element.
“If you want to ask a question of a bumblebee, you have to put yourself in the perspective of bumblebees, ” Lotto said.
I'm going to put aside for the moment the question of sign languages and how they work.
At the same time, ERP companies are increasing their ability to handle and maintain engineering and product design data, which will put under a big question mark the potential implementation of PLM.
So we just do want to put a little question mark in the margin and then say, Well, fine. Granted this is all representation, where is the text where could the text be that would be natural?
So we just do want to put a little question mark in the margin and then say, Well, fine. Granted this is all representation, where is the text where could the text be that would be natural?