If you always hold the ice cream spoon in your right hand, hold it in your left; if you always eat out of the container, put it in a bowl.
When your horse has learned the lesson with the chain, remove the chain and put your left hand over the horse's noseband in place of the chain.
For example, you want to make a similar COINS of small articles from the hands disappear, could pretend to put it on the left, but in fact it is still in your right hand.
In Europe, you hold your fork in the left hand and carry food to your mouth on the back of the fork. It helps to put some solid piece of food at the edge of the fork and pile soft food on it. 11.
In Europe, you hold your fork in the left hand and carry food to your mouth on the back of the fork. It helps to put some solid piece of food at the edge of the fork and pile soft food on it. 11.