Weakness: Fault finding, pessimism and putting things off.
Putting things off seldom improves the quality of your work.
You may still slip up sometimes and find yourself putting things off.
This may be an indication that you're in the habit of putting things off.
Putting things off until the last minute is one of the tips for prioritizing tasks.
Putting things off because you're too tired is ok every now and then, but it shouldn't become a habit.
Control procrastination. Procrastination is putting things off until the last minute or missing deadlines because you have put things off too long.
This has been a great challenge for me as I work from home, but taking this job has really helped me to stop putting things off and take control of my life.
Everything was signed and sealed, but we kept putting things off like the dates, various letters of credit and things that should have been sent, but nothing ever happened.
Prof Steel, who admits to becoming distracted by computer games himself, argues in a new book that those prone to putting things off suffer from a vice of their own - impulsiveness.
Summer is a time to relax, regroup and catch up on all those things you've been putting off all year.
I didn't and kept putting off the reminder, finishing things up on a busy day.
Never too late: With improvements in healthcare the elderly are able to spend more time doing the things they have been putting off for years.
Therefore, write down all the things that you are putting off, and keep this list in clear sight, so that you are reminded of it.
With improvements in healthcare they are able to spend more time with their grandchildren, travel and do the things they have been putting off for years because of work commitments.
If there’s something that I’ve been putting off for awhile, something that put fear into my heart, I put that at the top of my list for today, and put a bunch of other things I need to do below that.
Delaying, putting off things, slacking, hiding from work, facing work only when it's unavoidable, then repeating this loop all over again.
Putting off things to do, only leads to more overwhelm down the road, and thus creates a state a paralysis, where nothing ever gets done.
Wanting things to be perfect is just another excuse for putting off your dreams.
I don't think it's the actual putting off of things that provides the stress but rather it's the guilt associated with not finishing what we started.
I spent many years putting off things because I was waiting for the situation to get better or for 'something' to happen first.
Today is the day. Not tomorrow. Or the day after that. Stop putting off things until tomorrow. Let today be the day.
But we shouldn't get too lazy if not much is happening, for this can be a great time to get to those things we keep putting off because of our hectic schedules.
However, there are still many people who like putting off the things they should do today until tomorrow.
Stop putting off doing things that seemed too selfish.
What we can't do, though is go back to the same old things that we were doing because we've been putting off these problems for decades.
What we can't do, though is go back to the same old things that we were doing because we've been putting off these problems for decades.