Method:To use pyloric ligation, gastric emptying, gastrointestinal propulsion, cassia acutifolia Del. inducing purging models to observe the gastrointestinal tract effect produced with Wuji capsule.
方法 :采用幽门结扎 ,胃排空 ,胃肠推进运动 ,醋酸扭体反应以及番泻叶致泻模型观察戊己胶囊对胃肠系统的影响。
Method:To use pyloric ligation, gastric emptying, gastrointestinal propulsion, cassia acutifolia Del. inducing purging models to observe the gastrointestinal tract effect produced with Wuji capsule.
方法 :采用幽门结扎 ,胃排空 ,胃肠推进运动 ,醋酸扭体反应以及番泻叶致泻模型观察戊己胶囊对胃肠系统的影响。