Oracle is mainly conveyed by Pythia who replaced the Apollo god.
Pythia served a powerful sorcerer for decades to learn the secrets of his power.
During the oracular sessions, the Pythia spoke in an altered voice and tended to chant her responses, indulging in wordplay and puns.
This famous temple was the home of the Pythia, a specially chosen and trained woman who according to legend channeled the voice and wisdom of Apollo, the god of prophecy.
This famous temple was the home to the Pythia, a specially chosen and trained woman who, according to legend, channeled the voice and wisdom of Apollo, the god of prophecy.
The dependencies of all suggested measures for charge fluctuation on the size of rapidity window are compared by using the hadronic and nuclear collision models—PYTHIA and RQMD.
The dependencies of all suggested measures for charge fluctuation on the size of rapidity window are compared by using the hadronic and nuclear collision models—PYTHIA and RQMD.