This system in QD may be employed as a quantum system-quantum bit.
Similarly, when the price is below p*, the quantity supplied qsis less than the quantity demanded qd.
同样的,当价格低于p*时,供给数量qs小于需求数量qd 。这将导致部分顾客买不到商品,将出现买家高价求购,卖家哄抬价格的局面。
Quantum dots(QD)are fluorescence labels, whose research fields involve biomedical imaging, disease diagnosis, and cell biology.
When a potential was applied to the electrode, the electrochemical donors transferred energy to the QD acceptors, producing efficient ECRET.
When the excited carrier intensity goes up, isolated QDs are correlated as a quasi-unite by the WL, screening the difference of QD sizes more or less.
At the same time optical rotation of the particles was realized. The rotation frequency was measured by CCD camera and quadrant photodiode detector (QD).
Slow and fast light in quantum-well (QW) and quantum-dot (QD) semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) using nonlinear quantum optical effects are presented.
This review introduces the program package LADIA for lattice distortion analysis and its application to semiconductor self-assembled quantum dot (QD) systems.
Firstly, the bulk longitudinal optical (LO) modes and the interface optical (IO) modes in the QD-QW structures are investigated within the framework of continue medium.
The characters of current passenger travel were analyzed by using QD software, and the passenger capacity was reasonably predicted by using FRATAR software at the same time.
Methods The model was induced by the intranasal influenza virus inoculation, and the level of ET was measured by radioimmunoassay. The effects of QD were observed in the model.
方法以流感病毒液鼻内接种制造呼吸道流感病毒模型,用放射免疫分析方法检测血浆ET ,并观察清肺饮对呼吸道流感病毒感染小鼠模型的作用。
Though QD Vision says a lot more work remains to be done before this display can be made commercially, it believes quantum-dot displays should end up being cheaper than OLED screens.
尽管QD Vision公司表示,在该显示器得以商业化之前还有大量的剩余工作要做,但它认为量子点显示器终将比有机发光两极管屏幕更便宜。
The numerical results show that the average occupation number of electrons in the QD exhibits staircase features and oscillates with the magnetic flux through the AB ring on the upward stairs;
The numerical results show that the average occupation number of electrons in the QD exhibits staircase features and oscillates with the magnetic flux through the AB ring on the upward stairs;