It is a copy, but Mr Grunenberg is unapologetic: "This reproduction is absolutely justifiable because it is of such high quality." (to see the original requires a journey to Vienna.)
Color management is an important way to realize high quality reproduction of multicolor among different devices.
The logical digital halftone image quality evaluation index is the key of image reproduction technical.
A kind of progesterone micro-titer plate enzyme immunoassay kit was described in detail, including its reagent components, operation procedures, quality control and application to animal reproduction.
Using color Management in color map production, the quality of map printing has been significantly improved, and doing poor color reproduction over again has been avoided.
In the process of image reproduction, the quality control is the most important task in order to reproduce the color and the tone of an image.
Color proofing is an important way of quality control in graphic arts reproduction.
C 4 image processing combine to deliver outstanding image quality with fine detail, low noise and brilliant reproduction of colour and tones.
A circuit network or element to vary the frequency response of an audio-frequency circuit, thus varying the quality of the sound reproduction.
For extended bass response in a multi way (2 or more) equalized system designed for high quality reproduction of voice, music and Musical Instruments, for mobile or fixed installations.
The quality of a photographic reproduction decreases with time.
The law of value plays an important role between environmental quality and law of value of social reproduction, the more human being departs from the law, the worse the environmental quality becomes.
The PMS-15 Sub-Woofer is a 15 "enclosure designed for the reproduction of the sub low frequency spectrum of sound with a very high quality reproduction."
进口工业网的PMS -15低音炮是15“外壳,对声音的低音频率具有高质量的还原作用。”
Secondly: Improving the quality of exhibitors, the participanting rate of enterprises of "Breeding , reproduction and pushing" integration and regional characteristics corporates was high.
The rule of growth, carcass traits, muscle quality, reproduction performance and eggs quality were studied on Liyang Chicken in this paper, the results were as follows: 1.
The rule of growth, carcass traits, muscle quality, reproduction performance and eggs quality were studied on Liyang Chicken in this paper, the results were as follows: 1.