We may characterize an atomic state by a quantum number L.
And this spin magnetic quantum number we abbreviate as m sub s, so that's to differentiate from m sub l.
And each one of these energies, if it's a molecular energies, can be indexed by a quantum number of some sort.
what three quantum numbers tell us, versus what the fourth quantum number can fill in for us in terms of information.
So by parallel we mean - they're either both spin up remember that's our spin quantum number, that fourth quantum number.
So we can have, if we have the final quantum number m equal plus 1 or minus 1, we're dealing with a p x or a p y orbital.
The energy levels of alkaline metal atom spectrum are obtained and the influences of quantum number loss on atomic energy level are also discussed.
讨论了贯穿轨道对碱金属原子双层能级间隔的影响 ,得出一个双层能级间隔的波数公式 ;
l So, if we're talking about a 4 p orbital, and our equation is n minus 1 minus l, the principle quantum number is 1 4, 1 is 1 -- what is l for a p orbital?
A quantum number equal to twice the average electric charge of a particle multiplet or equivalently to the sum of the strangeness and the baryon number.
A quantum number equal to twice the average electric charge of a particle multiplet or, equivalently, to the sum of the strangeness and the baryon number.
When the rotational quantum number J is greater or smaller than 16, the absorptivity almost exponentially decreases with the increase or decrease of the J.
But at the time, they didn't have a well-formed name for it, they were just saying OK, there's this fourth quantum number, there's this intrinsic property in the electron.
And when you solved the relativistic form of the Schrodinger equation, what you end up with is that you can have two possible values for the magnetic spin quantum number.
The variation of state to state DR rate coefficients with the electronic temperature, DR type, and the principal quantum number of intermediate resonance states is discussed.
The cranking term breaks the time reversal symmetry, and the projection of the single particle angular momentum on the intrinsic symmetric axis is no longer a good quantum number.
In our case, the two modes differ in the internal quantum number, and are a clearly distinguishable subsystem. We can thus regard the two coupled BECs as a bipartite system of the modes.
So you'll notice in your problem-set, sometimes you're asked for a number of orbitals with a set of quantum Numbers, sometimes you're asked for a number of electrons for a set of quantum Numbers.
Based on the general form of the uncertainty relation, using the variation method, the paper here deduces the equality form uncertainty relation which with quantum number of one - dimensional.
It is pointed out that the relation has something to do with the principal quantum number and the angular quantum number, but nothing to do with the nuclear electronic number and reduced mass.
So if we're talking about the fourth excited state, and we talk instead about principle quantum numbers, what principle quantum number corresponds to the fourth excited state of a hydrogen atom.
And if you treat this properly, quantum mechanically, for the translations, there's actually a magnitude of the number is similar.
Part of that effort comes by bumping up, one by one, the number of quantum bits or "qubits" - units of quantum information - that can be brought under control.
研究者们旨在探索次原子粒子变成这种状态的方式。 他们的部分尝试是一个一个地去碰可以控制的原子(量子信息的单位)的数量。
This new laser design would have a number of advantages over current quantum cascade laser designs insists Fujita.
Moreover, photodetectors based on quantum dots produce less noisy images, so the picture is sharper even if the number of pixels is not increased.
而且,基于量子点的光电探测器产生的图像噪点更少,因此即便像素没有提高, 产生的图像也会比以前锐利。
"Quantum" is thrown around a lot as a label for things we don't understand, and we often lump a number of phenomena into the vague category of "quantum weirdness".
To make our examples more readable we'll restrict the number of quantum bits under simulation to 5.
Integer Quantum Hall Effect There are a number of ways you could go beyond what we do in lecture.
This led to a fast increasing number of metaloxide nanoparticles of quantum dots.
Bosons include mesons, nuclei of even mass number, and the particles required to embody the fields of quantum field theory.
Bosons include mesons, nuclei of even mass number, and the particles required to embody the fields of quantum field theory.