“These polar molecules are the pinnacle of quantum optics.”
Atomic spontaneous decay is a fundamental object in quantum optics.
Therefore, the study on squeezing phenomena is an important topic in quantum optics.
The discovery of photon bunching effect is an important milestone of quantum optics.
The interaction of the field and the atom is the main content in quantum optics field.
All these results can be used to analysing the quantum optics experiments of EPR Paradox.
The spontaneous emission phenomenon of an excited atom is one of basic processes in quantum optics.
Through one year effort, we have established a quantum optics laboratory and an atomic physics laboratory.
Coherent state is a vital conception in physics and has significant action in laser physics and quantum optics.
Interaction of atom and light field generated by the process more of a non-classical effects of quantum optics researchers.
The research about the dynamics effect of laser microbeam is the frontier subject of quantum optics in the recent 10 years.
The dispersion and absorption properties of optical medium have been extensively applied in quantum optics and nonlinear optics.
These abnormal phenomena will definitely explore the study of sonic crystals, photonic crystals and quantum optics in photonic crystals.
For the bipartite entangled state representation in quantum optics, the author present a new approach to analyze its expression in Fock space.
In this paper, the influence of fiber losses was discussed for optical pulse squeezed states by means of heat reservoir theory in quantum optics.
In recent years, the preparation of continuous variable entanglement has attracted a lot of attention in quantum optics and quantum information process.
The polarization ellipse, the degree of polarization of the field in quantum optics and the signal_to_noise ratio in the Stokes parameters are discussed.
On the other hand, atomic coherence effect is an important topic in quantum optics and laser physics and it always has been one of hotspots in scientific research.
Quantum optics is to study the coherence of the light field, quantum statistical properties of light and matter interacting quantum characteristics of the subjects.
Optical bistability phenomenon and all-optical computer are the important contents which are studied together presently in laser physics, quantum optics and computer science, etc.
Quantum optics is a subject in studying the coherence and the quantum statistical properties of radiation field, as well as the quantum characters of light interacting with matter.
It is one of the most important contents for the quantum optics and nonlinear optics to study on the quantum properties and physical applications of the parametric image amplifier.
There exist a number of typical systems and models which possess the three generator Lie algebraic structure in quantum optics, atomic and molecular physics and condensed matter physics.
Director at Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, and Chair of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Garching GERMANY and Munich, GERMANY.
Quantum cryptography communication is a rapidly growing field, it involves many subjects, such as quantum mechanics, quantum optics, information theory, cryptography and communication technology.
But it was, ironically, not until the invention of the laser in 1960 that understanding the quantum nature of optics became crucial.
Optics majors study the science of light. Topics of study include wave theory and mechanics, the quantum theory of light, and engineering problems.
Optics majors study the science of light. Topics of study include wave theory and mechanics, the quantum theory of light, and engineering problems.