Quaver crotchet and minim are three of the different length of notes in writing music.
Quaver crotch et and minim are three of the different length of notes in writing music.
My wife knew how my father was about his emotions, and I could hear her voice quaver as she spoke to me.
In his voice was an old quaver which was not habitual and there was agitation in every line of his visage.
You are my rainbow in the sky, is I the quaver in song, is my words rhyme, also is the reason why I can stay here.
Her voice began to quaver as she acknowledged that she had been alone at home not just on her birthday, but for days and days.
He wondered at this, not knowing the pathetic figure he had become in her eyes. She restrained herself with difficulty from showing a quaver in her voice.
So it consists mainly of semi-quaver runs, but Mozart writes at the heading, molto allegro making it more difficult to play and then very short notes so the pianist is really sweating hard.
So it consists mainly of semi-quaver runs, but Mozart writes at the heading, molto allegro making it more difficult to play and then very short notes so the pianist is really sweating hard.