He hasn't won, so at the moment there is a question mark over Sunday's game.
Right now I hope fans see it as a big question mark, because it should be.
The question mark (?) represents a parameter marker.
Clicking on the question mark for help doesn't work.
That’s why so many of these posts end in a question mark, not an exclamation point.
The second performs a select statement, using the alternative question mark placeholders.
Nothing else, only the three words, written by hand, and followed by a large question mark.
If there is a link in an unknown state, there will be a red question mark on the type icon.
At least one blank space must separate the question mark (?) from the text string that follows.
One can guess from all this just where the great question mark about the worth of existence was placed.
One can guess from all this just where the great question mark about the worth of existence was placed.
For instance, Ruby has the habit of appending a question mark (?) to the name of a predicatelike method.
The variant without a question mark is used where the match can be completely determined at compile time.
Using standard GET notation, the parameters follow the function and are delimited by a question mark (?).
The red X error icon is decorated with a question mark to show that help is available for a particular error.
Whether acceleration of melting from the Greenland Ice Sheet will continue, he added, is a big question mark.
The dispute has already derailed this month's Golden Globes ceremony and leaves a question mark hanging over the Oscars.
A question mark indicates an invalid option, in which case the character triggering it is stored in the variable optopt.
The question mark at the end of the method name means that the method is testing for something and will return True or False.
The XQuery is sent as the value of the _query field in the URL's query string (the part of the URL after a question mark).
XQuery被作为URL的查询字符串(URL 中引号后的部分)中的 _query字段的值发送。
You can access help for individual pages by clicking the question mark icon at the upper right of any active WPAR Manager page.
She'd underlined true and truth wherever it appeared in the essay, probably about twenty times, with a question mark beside each.
Wild cards are typically a question mark (?), pound sign (#), or asterisk (*) used as placeholder symbols to stand in for letters.
典型的通配符是,问号(?) ,井号(#),或者星号(*),用来作为替代字母的占位符。
Here's where I come back to that example that I already gave you with a question mark next to it when I was talking about Saussure.
The? (question mark) literal in the statement string is a parameter marker that represents the variable in which the result is returned.
Mary Ann stayed behind the counter helping customers, and finally I left her a note that was just a big question mark on a folded scrap.
This matches the previous expression n or more times. If it is used without a question mark, it looks for the most repetitions possible.
This matches the previous expression n or more times. If it is used without a question mark, it looks for the most repetitions possible.