The mountain farmer brothers, possibly all did not know also this kind of question to discuss.
Go to your co worker's office to discuss questions face to face, rather than send an email every time you have a question.
The question had not been intended as an invitation to discuss the pros and cons of his beloved country.
And there's another question which you would no doubt be concerned to discuss, namely what would such Socratically purified? Music and poetry look like?
We will discuss various ways you can bring up the subject with your child, and ways to react once he poses the question to you.
Professor Shelly Kagan: the first question we want to discuss has to do with the possibility of my surviving my death.
Check out what your daughter is reading or watching and discuss it with her. Encourage her to talk about and question what she's seen or heard.
Finally, I was also going to discuss another common question regarding the optimal size of a session object, but one of my colleagues beat me to it last month in this very column.
This theory addresses the third question I discuss with my students—how to live a life of integrity (stay out of jail).
The answer to this question has to do with the limitation to the addressable memory (as opposed to physical memory), which we will discuss later.
The first question we want to discuss has to do with the possibility of my surviving my death.
There is one more topic to discuss , namely the question of your salary .
As a recent mentee discovered, the salary question can be a difficult topic to discuss if you haven't already thought through potential responses.
This article is divided into five chapters to discuss the related question of scientific and technical worker's social responsibility:The first chapter the background and the significance of research.
How important is keeping healthy to you? A group of young people got together to discuss this question. Here's part of their discussion.
That brings us to another question which we shall perhaps discuss later, the question of impressions and reactions.
In order to provide a referential context for Deleuze's question of thinking, I discuss firstly Heidegger's question of thinking in the second chapter.
There are many aspects related to this question that we need to discuss in order to fully understand the answer.
So, it is really very important to find out how ideas come into being; and after discovering the truth of that, we can discuss the question of action.
Its follows the spirit of "the article gathers lasts", the thesis divides into following three parts to discuss the question of cultivating contemporary university students 'healthy personality.
Pattern art of traditional textile is China's traditional culture rarity, carry on modern question designed to it, discuss and pay close attention to not stopping at all times.
Question: if you have sorts of colleagues, how to cooperate with them? Let us discuss it separately.
This article is divided three parts to discuss the question of the university moral education under the network environment.
We analyze the present situation and question of ca construction in our country, discuss how to solve these questions and forecast the future research direction on PKI and the ca construction.
分析研究了我国CA建设的现状以及存在的问题,讨论了解决这些问题的方向,同时展望了PK I建设与CA构建继续研究的方向。
In this course, the question of agent cost and how to reduce it are important for us to discuss.
In this course, the question of agent cost and how to reduce it are important for us to discuss.