When the speedup of switch fabric is low, MUCF scheduling algorithm can imitate identically output-queue scheduling algorithms.
This paper presents a design scheme of input queued ATM switches supporting multicast and corresponding scheduling algorithm, referred to as multicast longest normalized queue first (MLNQF).
文中提出了一种支持组播功能的输入队列ATM交换机的设计方案,并给出相应的输入队列组播调度算法,称为组播最长正则队列优先算法(ML NQF) 。
Node needs Grid-based security and internal managing mechanisms. In this thesis a tasks scheduling algorithm is also presented based on priorities and multiply queue.
Deepen our understanding of multi-level feedback queue process scheduling algorithm.
This paper designs an algorithm on multi-queue scheduling supporting fairness of queues and security policy for some distributed real-time systems with security restrictions.
The queue algorithm is described to reduce the disturbance of the stochastic factors and combine the static scheduling and dynamic control. This can improve the production ability and efficiency.
The queue algorithm is described to reduce the disturbance of the stochastic factors and combine the static scheduling and dynamic control. This can improve the production ability and efficiency.